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Control over the knowledge and skills of students is one of the most important components of the educational process of a college. Learning cannot be complete without regular and objective information about how students learn the material, how they apply their knowledge for practical tasks. Thanks to the control between the teacher and the students, feedback is established, which makes it possible to identify the dynamics of learning, the effective level of knowledge of the system of knowledge and skills, and, based on their analysis, make appropriate adjustments to the organization of the pedagogical process.

In the field of control, three main interrelated functions can be distinguished: diagnostic, training and educational.

Diagnostic control function - identifying the level of knowledge, skills, skills, assessment of the real behavior of students. This is an assessment of the conditions of the pedagogical process, whether it is successful or not.

The training function is manifested in the revitalization of work on the assimilation of educational material.

The educational function is that the presence of the control system disciplines, organizes and directs students' activities, helps to identify gaps in knowledge, personality traits, eliminate these gaps, which ultimately forms a creative attitude to the subject and the desire to develop their abilities.

In the educational process, all three functions are intertwined and interconnected, but there are also forms of control when one, leading, function prevails over the others. So, the training function is mainly manifested at the seminar; tests, exams perform a diagnostic function.

The control system consists of exams, tests, oral questionnaires, written checklists, essays, colloquiums, seminars, coursework, laboratory tests, etc.

In the educational process, in addition to the traditional test of knowledge, skills of students, there is diagnostics as the timely identification, assessment and analysis of the course of the educational process in connection with its productivity. Diagnosis includes monitoring, checking, evaluating, accumulating statistical data, analyzing them, identifying trends, trends, and forecasting further developments.

Control is the identification, measurement, and evaluation of the learners memory. The control does not have to be formal. Didactic control should have a pronounced training, developing orientation, be connected with self-control, be necessary and useful, first of all, to the student himself.

Verification is an integral component of control, the main didactic function of which is to provide feedback between the teacher and the student, the teacher receiving objective information about the degree of development of educational material, timely identification of deficiencies and gaps in knowledge. The test aims to determine not only the level and quality of student learning, but also the volume of his academic work. In addition to verification, control contains evaluation (as a process) and evaluation as a result of verification. In the class journals, record books, statements of statements are recorded in the form of marks.

The basis for evaluating student performance are the results (results) of the control. Both qualitative and quantitative indicators of students' work are taken into account. Quantitative indicators are recorded mainly in points or percentages. It is important to understand that the evaluation is not a number obtained as a result of measurements and calculations, but a value prescribed to the evaluation judgment. Evaluation is also a means of stimulating learning, positive motivation, influence on the person.

Identify the principles of diagnosis and control of learning:

- the principle of objectivity - is in the scientifically grounded content of diagnostic tasks, a positive attitude of the teacher to all students, accurate, adequate to the established criteria for the evaluation of knowledge and skills;

- the principle of systematicity - provides for the need to diagnose at all stages of the didactic process, is that all students are subject to regular monitoring from the first to the last day of school; This principle requires an integrated approach to diagnostics, in which various forms, methods and means of control are used in close connection and unity;

- the principle of visibility - is to conduct an open test of all trainees on the same criteria, the rating of each student is visual, comparable.
It is necessary to control, check and evaluate the knowledge and skills of students in the logical sequence in which they are studied. The following types of control are distinguished: preliminary (input) control; current (in the process of studying the topic); thematic (evaluation of the results of studying the topic); periodic or boundary control (verification of achievements under the section); final control (the level of actual training in accordance with the requirements of SES). A special type of control is a comprehensive check, integrated forms of control (diagnosing the quality of the implementation of interdisciplinary connections).

Diagnostics of the learning process is provided by a system of methods: the survey-response method (frontal, individual surveys); control test method (oral, written assignments, problem solving, dictation, writing, performing drawings, drawings, diagrams, writing reports, abstracts); test - examination method (monologic answer, interview, answers to questions).


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics