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Didactics (ancient Greek διδακτικός - teaching) - pedagogy; theory of education and training. It reveals the patterns of mastering knowledge, skills and beliefs, determines the scope and structure of the content of education.

Didactics (from the Greek. "Didaktikos" - instructive and "didasko" - student) - part of the pedagogy, studying the problems of learning and education.

The main questions of didactics: "what to learn?".


Didactics as a theory of learning and education has its roots in centuries. Training was always when a person existed. The theory of learning began to take shape already when there was a sensible need to pass on to descendants not only accumulated achievements, but also how to pass them on. For the first time, as far as is known, the term “didactics” appeared in the writings of the German teacher Wolfgang Ratke (Ratikhia) (1571–1635) to denote the art of teaching. Similarly, as “the universal art of learning for all to everything”, Ya. A. Komensky also interpreted didactics. At the beginning of the 19th century, German pedagogue Johann Friedrich Herbart gave didactics the status of a coherent and non-contradictory theory of educational education. In domestic pedagogy, didactics at the end of the 19th century gained active development thanks to the works written by KD Ushinsky and his followers, including: Kapterev Peter Fedorovich, Bunakov Nikolai Fedorovich, Korf Nikolai Alexandrovich, Stoyunin Vladimir Yakovlevich, Ostrogorsky Alexey Nikolaevich, etc. In the Soviet period, the problems of didactics were developed by P. P. Blonsky, S. T. Shatsky, L. V. Zankov. The main tasks of didactics - the study of problems: what to teach and how to teach; Modern science is also intensively investigating problems: who, when, where, and why to teach.

The object and subject of didactics

Didactics is an integral part of pedagogy, the science of learning, exploring the laws, laws, principles and means of instruction. The object of didactics is learning.

There are “private didactics” - methods of teaching individual academic subjects (methods of teaching mathematics, physics, history, etc.), certain categories of students (methods of primary education, didactics of higher education), in different types of educational institutions and forms of education. Each teaching method has its own object - teaching the subject, teaching certain categories of students, etc.

The subject of didactics is the relationship of teaching (teacher’s activity) and teaching (student’s cognitive activity), their interaction.

The tasks of didactics:

  • description and explanation of the learning process and conditions for its implementation;
  • developing more modern learning processes;
  • organization of the educational process; [one]
  • new training systems;
  • new learning technologies (for example, drama-hermeneutics [2] or socio-play "lesson direction" [3] ).


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics