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A child learns to speak (learning a person's speech)



  A child learns to speak (learning a persons speech)

Every year, life places ever higher demands not only on us, adults, but also on children: the volume of knowledge that you need to pass on to them is steadily increasing; moreover, teachers want the assimilation of this knowledge to be not mechanical, but meaningful. Therefore, we have created new programs for preparing children for school in kindergartens, new programs for schooling.

In order to help children cope with the challenges they face, you need to take care of the timely and complete formation of their speech. This is the main condition for successful learning. After all, through the medium of speech, development of abstract thinking is accomplished, with the help of words we express our thoughts.

In school, children will be taught to operate with concepts, to educate their ability to make inferences. This means that they should come to school with elementary but sufficient knowledge about the surrounding physical world, about the animal and vegetable kingdoms, about people, with some aesthetic and moral concepts about beauty and ugliness, about good and evil, about truth. and lies, etc. And all this becomes available to children only through the medium of speech.

Any delay in the development of speech (poor understanding of what people say, a poor stock of words-names and word-concepts, narrowed or inappropriately broad concepts, etc.) makes it difficult for a child to communicate with other children and adults, in some way. least eliminates it on games, occupations. Especially hard to affect violations in the development of speech. Quite often, they are the result of the inattention of the attitude of the child’s relatives or the staff of the institution to the speech of the children. Sometimes adults are simply not familiar enough with what is, in fact, a process of forming speech, which needs attention.

What should be done so that the child's speech develops correctly, in time, so that the baby grows into a social being? ..

Experts in various fields of knowledge are seeking answers to these questions - psychologists, linguists, physiologists, defectologists, etc. They have obtained a large number of important facts and offered interesting hypotheses to explain the mechanisms of speech. These works contain much valuable for practice. Parents, educators could learn a lot of useful things for themselves. However, these studies are scattered in various special scientific journals and monographs, and therefore they are not available or not readily available to the general reader.

The goal of this book is to try to summarize the basic facts that can help to better understand the process of forming a child’s speech, and to talk about them as simply as possible. There are no such books, and, as the conversations with parents and workers of the nursery and kindergartens show, the need for them is very great. Without knowing the essence of the phenomenon, it is impossible to successfully influence it, even with good methodological recipes (FOOTABLE: We have methodological manuals written by well-known teachers. Of these, we can especially recommend the following: E. I. Kaverina-Banschikova. Methods of speech development for children of the first two lot of life, M., ed. In-ta San. prosv., 1948; V. A. Petrova. Classes on the development of speech with children up to three years. M., "Pedagogy", 1970; E. I. Tikheeva. Development children's speeches. M., “Enlightenment”, 1967.) , as emphasized by the outstanding teacher K. D. Ushinsky. That is why even in the presence of good methodological guides, books about the nature of the speech function are also needed.

Another reason for creating this book was the need to draw the attention of parents and educators to the fact that work on the development of speech in children should be carried out especially seriously and persistently in the first three years of life. It is now known that all the functions of the central nervous system are best amenable to training and education in the period of their natural formation. If at this time adverse conditions are created, then the development of functions is delayed, and at a later age, the backlog is compensated with difficulty and not completely.

For speech, such a “critical” period of development is the first three years of a child's life: by this time the anatomical maturation of the speech areas of the brain ends, the child masters the main grammatical forms of the native language, accumulates a large vocabulary. If, in the first three years of the baby’s speech, due attention was not paid, then in the future it will take a lot of effort to catch up.

The book uses research data of many domestic and foreign scientists. The data obtained in the laboratory led by the author are widely represented. (FOOTNOTE: This is a laboratory of the higher nervous activity of a child at the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.)

For more than fifteen years, laboratory workers have been studying the mechanisms by which a child’s speech is formed, as well as physiological conditions that can facilitate and speed up this process.

Naturally, the work carried out by scientists in this field has become possible and give particularly significant results only in our country, where taking care of the health and harmonious development of the younger generation is one of the main tasks of the Communist Party.

If this book turns out to be interesting and at least to some extent useful for those who are concerned about the formation of children's speech, the task can be considered completed.

The author wants to thank the teachers and parents who shared their observations. Many examples given here are suggested by them.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics