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Construction and constructive games are a kind of creative game and are considered as children's activities, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in various buildings and related activities. In construction and construction games, some objects are replaced by others: buildings are erected from specially created building materials and constructors, or from natural material. Games are often closely intertwined with the role-playing game, can be its beginning. Sometimes the building is not used in the game, but is part of its setting, it can take the form of a plot-role-playing game, for example, the game has the role of a builder, chauffeur, bringing loads to the construction site, etc. But there are construction and constructive games in which the entire content is exhausted by the erection of buildings and structures.

In the process of this type of game, children form and develop orientation in space, the ability to distinguish and establish the size and proportions of the object, the children comprehend the simple laws of physics. The construction game teaches children to purposeful, planned activities, thinking develops, an exact vocabulary is formed, expressing the name of geometric bodies, spatial relationships. Solved the problem of moral education - the children get acquainted with the work of builders, help each other, try to create beautiful buildings together.

In the history of pedagogy, games with building materials are represented in many systems: F. Frebel, M. Montessori, L. Schleger. In domestic pedagogy, this question was studied by V. G. Nechaeva, 3, V. Lishtvan, A. N. Davidchuk, L. A. Paramonova, and others.

A feature of games with building materials is that special training is necessary for mastering constructive skills. In preschool pedagogy, a method has been developed for the formation of constructive skills in children (EA Flerina, ZV Lishtvan, and others). At the same time, construction-constructive games are creative games, since they are characterized by independence, self-organization, creativity and emotional richness. Based on the characteristics of this type of game, the tutor has a number of tasks in her leadership:

1. Expansion of children's ideas and the direction of their attention to the work of builders, their equipment.

2. Training in the ways of construction, education and development of independence, activity of thinking, constructive and creative abilities.

3. Formation of diligence, the development of proper relationships of children, combining them into a friendly team.

In the younger groups of kindergarten, children form simple but clear construction and constructive skills. The guide is to create a gaming environment, selecting and providing children with building material and lining up toys, playing around buildings. The teacher suggests the idea of ​​work and is an active participant in the game.

In the middle group, there is a further development of children's interest in building games, the use of the contents of buildings in plot-based role-playing games, the ability to build not only on the model, but also on the theme outlined by the children themselves. The teacher shows the techniques of building more complex outbuildings, learns to choose a topic, to determine the sequence of the construction of the building. The leadership should provide enriched impressions of children about the surrounding reality, training in construction techniques through the use of the sample, in the process of joint construction with the teacher. The teacher also offers an independent choice of both the themes of buildings and game plots.

In the older preschool age, there is an expansion of collective games, teaching children to pre-plan them, set the goal of the game, identify participants by prior agreement, use constructive-building skills not only by a visual model, but also by drawings and photographs of various structures. The teacher learns to think about game actions, compare, implement decisions. Of great importance is the word, the source of construction can be an adult story.

A special place in the life of a child is occupied by games with natural material. Children build from snow and sand, play with water. These games contain great opportunities for the development of the child, but, as teachers note, without special development they can be monotonous and have little meaningful content.

Building constructive games require special attention in the organization of the game environment. The teacher must select a building material that corresponds to the objectives of the development of the constructive activity of children of this age. The material should be diverse: floor, table, different types of designers, sets, etc .; attractively decorated, fairly stable, consistent with the capabilities of children.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics