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Guided by the basic assumptions, the teacher chooses the means of learning.


Tutor's speech


- Speech communication is carried out in different activities

- The culture of speech educator

- The meaningfulness of speech - Duplexity

- The specificity of speech classes

-Typology of occupations


Different types of art

- As a sample of correct, beautiful speech

- Art

- Music


Communication and learning are the leading means of children's speech development.

- Speech, being a means of communication, occurs at a certain stage of development of society. Analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech, they begin to speak only in a situation of communication and only at the request of an adult. In studies conducted under the guidance of M. I. Lisina, it has been established that the nature of communication determines the content and level of speech development of children. Peculiarities of children's speech are related to the form of communication they have achieved. In addition, speech communication in preschool age is carried out in different activities: in the game, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the parties of each type.

- The speech of the educator must have a culture of sound structure, be meaningful, have a benevolent tone. The speech of the teacher always appears in two plans: as a speech, assessment, and speech guidance. A cultured language environment implies the creation of a favorable language environment for the development of a child’s speech. It should be borne in mind that a child actively imitates an adult and takes over from him not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, the construction of phrases, but also the mistakes and imperfections that occur in the speech of an adult.

- The specificity of speech classes is that a) the focus on work is on speech; b) a prerequisite for such activities is the speech activity of each child; c) classes should include a variety of children's activities; d) observe unity with
holding when reaching the tasks.

- Fiction is the most important source of children's speech development, on the other hand, its impact is also determined by the level of child's speech development.

- Different types of art, their emotional impact stimulates the learning of the language. Great importance is the verbal interpretation of works, verbal explanations for children for the development of the imagery and expressiveness of children's speech.

Thus, various means are used for PP. For the assimilation of different material requires a combination of different means.

The specific objectives of speech development, the content of knowledge and features of this age affects the choice of methods and techniques of speech work.

The classification of methods according to the means used is generally accepted in the methodology : visual, verbal and practical. The division is conditional, since there is no clear boundary between them: visuals are accompanied by a word, and in verbal ones visual techniques are used.


Visual Mediated

- Observation

- Tours

- Considering natural objects

- Examination of toys, paintings

- Description of pictures

- Story by picture or toy


- Reading

- telling

- memorization by heart

- Retelling

- Conversation

- Telling without reliance on clarity


- Didactic game

- Round dance games

- Game-dramatization

- Dramatization

- didactic exercises

- Plastic etudes

Depending on the nature of the speech activity of children allocate reproductive and productive methods. There is also no sharp boundary between them: there are elements of creativity in reproductive methods, and elements of reproduction are productive, their ratio fluctuates.


Based on the reproduction of finished samples, speech material :

- observation and its varieties;

- viewing pictures;

- reading fiction;

- retelling;

- memorization;

- game-dramatization of the content of the letters, manuf.


They suggest that children build their own coherent sentences:

- summary conversation;

- telling

- retelling with the restructuring of the text;

- modeling;

- creative tasks.

Depending on the task of the development of speech, vocabulary methods, methods of sound culture of speech, methods of development of coherent speech, etc. are distinguished.

Methodical methods of speech development are traditionally divided into three main groups: verbal, visual and game.


- Speech sample

-Repeated pronunciation



- Evaluation of children's speech



- Show illustrative material

- Display the position of the articulation organs


-Word games and exercises

-Didactic game

Depending on the role of reception in the learning process, they are divided into direct (all of the above verbal techniques) and indirect (reminder, replica, remark, hint, advice).

In the real pedagogical process, the techniques and methods of work are used in an integrated manner.

Thus, the effectiveness of pedagogical influence on children's speech depends on the correct choice of means of speech development and their interconnection. In this case, the decisive role is played by taking into account the level of formation of speech skills and abilities of children, the nature of cognitive and linguistic material and the possible options for using methods and techniques of speech development.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics