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The foundations of intelligence are laid in the first years of life. Research in the field of pedagogy in early childhood has shown the exceptional role of purposeful education and training of children from the first years of life. Consider the features of teaching young children. The most favorable development of the child takes place under the influence of thoughtful and systematic training and education, carried out by adults, taking into account the development of the child. A young child has the unique ability to learn from an adult. The ability to learn is understood as the ability of young children to perceive the task and act on the model, verbal instructions, the desire to obtain a specific result given by adults, as well as the ability to transfer the knowledge gained to a new situation.

Teaching young children is distinguished by originality and originality: the assimilation of new knowledge occurs with the child’s highest cognitive activity and involuntary memorization in the process of orientation and research activities; a young child has a high learning ability; education of a young child occurs in practice under the direct supervision of an adult.

The nature of the pedagogical effects of an adult changes throughout the entire process of teaching young children:

- at first it is a direct emotional interaction in combination with providing the child with the opportunity to act with toys and objects;

- with the ability of the child to imitate the adult, the child uses the display of a pattern of action as the main method;

- the initial assimilation of knowledge occurs through direct imitation of the actions of an adult;

- with the child understanding the speech of an adult, a display with verbal explanations is used.

Teaching young children is based on the following principles:

• didactic games-classes give positive results, provided that they are planned to be planned;

• distribution of program material by occupation is carried out on the basis of the principle of succession from simple to complex;

• the principle of activity implies the inclusion of the child in a variety of activities;

• the productivity of classes with young children depends largely on the emotionality of their conduct, the emotional forms of communication cause positive emotions in the baby;

• The children’s successful mastery of the program material can be achieved only by re-presenting them or practicing in general or with complication or change;

• the principle of clarity in combination with the word provides a link between objects and phenomena of reality and the words that designate them;

• when organizing classes, it is important to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, as well as the age-appropriate amount of knowledge.

There are the following types of activities with young children. From 1 to 2 years; speech development, reading fiction, the development of movements, games-lessons with didactic material, music lessons, games and entertainment. From 2 to 3 years: physical education classes, sensory development classes, speech development and familiarization with the environment, the development of elementary mathematical concepts, graphic activity, construction from building material, musical lessons. All types of activities require a certain amount of effort and active attention from children, therefore their implementation is based on specific teaching methods.

The peculiarity of the use of methods and techniques of teaching children in the classroom is that all classes with young children have play instrumentation, are held in the form of didactic games, stage performances using game teaching techniques. The tutor actively uses the visual-effective method of teaching, showing actions with consistent explanation, observation, exercise, method of joint actions, questions for children.

Thus, adherence to didactic principles and thoughtful selection by the teacher of teaching methods and techniques not only ensures the full development of each child, but also a solid assimilation of knowledge by children.




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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics