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The book reflects reality through artistic images - it helps the child to know life, shapes his attitude to the environment, develops his cognitive activity, educates him aesthetically, morally, and mentally.

Fiction forms all aspects of speech: sound (poteshki, counting, oral folk art); dictionary (familiarity with new phenomena of reality on the submission); grammar (retelling, showing the best examples of writing); connected speech (different types of stories, genres of artwork).

The peculiarities of children's perception of the artistic text are connected with the peculiarities of the child's psyche.

A. The main feature of the preschooler's mental development is the concreteness of thinking, so children can easily understand realistic stories, find it difficult to understand riddles, fables, and proverbs.

B. A child’s perception of a work of art is related to his life experience, therefore children perceive an adult and a peer in different ways in combination with bad deeds.

B. The perception and understanding of a work of art is closely related to age-related vulnerability, impressionability, therefore, children come up with a “good” end.

In the methodology of speech development, principles for the selection of literary works (in the works of O. I. Soloveva, V. M. Fedyaeva, N. S. Kartinskaya, L. M. Gurovich) are formed on the basis of the characteristics of the child's psyche and the general aesthetics:

1) ideological and artistic value;

2) the account of age features;

3) fun;

4) compositional lightness;

5) a clear position of the author.

The tasks of familiarizing preschoolers with fiction are based on the age-specific features of aesthetic perception. In each age period, their own special tasks are put forward; they are gradually becoming more complicated due to the fact that with age the level of perception of literary works increases, children develop poetic hearing. Common tasks:

1) to ensure that children learn the content of the works, their understanding (children learn to retell, learn by heart);

2) to form the ability to perceive a literary work (to experience the feelings that the author conveys, to relate the pictured in the books with the facts of life);

3) to form the ability of an elementary analysis of a work (to determine the main characters, the form of the work, vivid examples of the imagery of the language);

4) to bring up the right attitude towards the book and reading.

The complexity of the content goes from group to group:

1 younger group

Reading short stories, household and animal tales

2 younger group

Lead to the distinction of genres (fairy tale, story, poem); reading small poems, the content of which is close to the child’s experience

Middle group

Attention is stopped not only on the content, but also on some peculiarities of the language (work is under way on expressiveness); subjects of works more diverse

Senior group

Children distinguish genres, introduce stories about nature, complicate topics (fairy tales and stories with hidden morality).

Preparatory group

Teaching elementary analysis of the work, familiarity with the paths

The basis of all methods of introducing literary text   is an expressive reading tutor.

Methods for the introduction of fiction include: reading, storytelling, dramatization, memorization by heart.

Methods for children's perception of the artistic text: excursions, meetings with interesting people, viewing illustrations, expressive reading, repeated reading, selective, receiving verbal drawing, creative tasks, conversation.

Occupation structure:

Reading artwork

  1. introductory part (conversation, cover presentation, story about the author)
  2. expressive reading of the work
  3. talk about read


  1. introductory conversation
  2. expressive reading of the poem
  3. conversation about the content of the poetic text
  4. re-read with installation on memorization
  5. memorizing
  6. telling a poem by children

Thus, the main points of work on a work of art will be: the preparation of the teacher for expressive reading; preparing children for the perception of works of art; content and methods of preliminary and final conversations with children, retelling, re-reading.

Outside of classes, speech work is organized: through reading poems, storytelling, entertainment events and entertainment (performances, literary matinees, watching television).

The structure of the matinee has much in common with the structure of any holiday: the grand opening, the opening address of the host, inspection of the hall's design, concert numbers. Spectacular entertainment includes performances, theater performances, concerts.

Preschoolers can only stage works that are well known to them, in which dialogue occupies a large place. For the emergence of performances should:

1) repeatedly repeat the work;

2) arouse children's interest in it by looking at illustrations and conversations.

3) to show the ways of artistic-figurative expressiveness.

For spectacular entertainment in kindergarten use: flannel theater, shadow theater, finger theater, mittens dolls, glove theater, bibabo dolls, cam theater, puppet puppets, jumping theater, balloon theater, cones dolls, table theater.

Attention should be paid to the education of children's behavior culture in the theater.

Thus, the ways of familiarizing preschoolers with fiction are diverse. It is important to carry out this work systematically, by means of a book, shaping all aspects of a child’s speech and instilling a love for reading works of art in children.

One of the most effective ways of educating readers' interests in preschool children is a corner of the book. The main thing with his organization - to attract the child to participate through: instructions; repairing books; conversations about the read; update corner.

All forms of work on acquaintance of children with fiction outside the classroom cultivate interest and love for the book, form future readers.




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