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Portrait of world school students / education in different countries


For eight years, photographer Julian Germaine has traveled to 20 countries and made 450 photographs of students right in their classes during lessons, with open textbooks and notebooks.

Choosing the best of the resulting images, he created a photo project that shows the enormous differences in the conditions of education in the western and eastern countries. If everything is done for the education of children in prosperous states, then in Africa, South America and Arab countries things are not so rosy. What, however, does not prevent children from realizing the need for learning and nibbling the granite of science day after day.

  Portrait of world school students  education in different countries

School Al Ishraq, Yemen.

Al Ishraq (Al Ishraq Primary) in the city of Akamat Al-Megab is a one-room elementary school in the mountainous part of the country. Here children from 5 to 12 years study at the same time, the older ones help the younger ones to study. Only about 15% of children after graduating from this elementary school continue their studies in secondary school, no one enters higher education institutions from here.

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School number 63, Russia.

School No. 63 of the Kalininsky District of St. Petersburg is attended by the most ambitious students Jermen saw during the trip: they are all going to go to university. These were also the only students who wore heels with accessories from Gucci and Prada. This class was more like a meeting of business people, not students.

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Public School of Our Lady of Belo Rameau, Brazil.

Escola Estadual Nossa Senhora do Belo Ramo School in Belo is a typical school for children of workers living in poor neighborhoods. From this school, only 8-10% go to universities.

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School Huarte de San Juan, Spain.

The Board of the National Education Huarte de San Juan (Colegio de Educación Público, Estados Unidos de América Huarte de San Juan) is located in Madrid. The music class of this school is taught by employees of the Madrid Philharmonic. School classes in Spain are the smallest in terms of the number of students among all that Germen visited.

  Portrait of world school students  education in different countries

Tirakanchi School, Peru.

Tiracanchi is a tiny village in the mountains. 25% of the population speaks only one of the Indian languages ​​- Quechua. 80% of residents are peasants, 46% of houses do not have electricity. In this school, all subjects are taught by one teacher, and he is 67 years old. From this school, no one ever enrolled in college.

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School Agnes-Miel, Germany.

The Agnes Miegl Realschule School in Düsseldorf is simply saturated with youth subculture. This is evidenced by the numerous graffiti on its walls, clothing students.

  Portrait of world school students  education in different countries

Beamonte High School, USA.

Beaumont High School in St. Louis reflects the reality of the area in which it is located. It is populated mainly by African Americans. The school is big, old construction. The teachers here are pretty strong, and students, for example, are even studying trigonometry. About 15% of graduates of this school enroll in colleges and universities.

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Denezid Junior School, England.

Deneside Infants School is located in the socially disadvantaged area of ​​the disadvantaged town of Sihem. There are a lot of unemployed people and people sitting on benefits. But at the same time, unlike other English schools, the classes here are racially homogeneous: almost white students study at school.

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High School in Argentina.

In Argentina, school attendance is compulsory for all children from 5 to 17 years old. Primary education lasts from 6 to 7 years, secondary - from 5 to 6 years. Primary education is given to children aged 6 to 12 years.
Secondary education is given to children aged 13 to 18 years. Such training includes 3 years of general education and specialized courses that students take along with professional ones.

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Bornago School, Holland.

  Portrait of world school students  education in different countries

According to Jermen, of all the schools in the world that he visited, the students of this Dutch school were the most calm, friendly smiled and were not afraid to be photographed. This is the 9th grade, children 13-14 years old.

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School of Jessore Zilla, Bangladesh.

Pupils are very proud of their form, because in Bangladesh people in uniform are respected. Most of the guys dream of becoming doctors and lawyers, but the reality is that from this simple school the way to these areas is likely to be closed to them. But there are a lot of military graduates.

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Primary school in Saudi Arabia.

In Saudi Arabia, more than a quarter of the state annual budget is spent on education. In addition, the government provides students with everything they need to study: literature and even medical care. The state also sponsors education of its citizens in foreign universities - mainly in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and Malaysia.

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School of Angela Landa, Cuba.

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Escuela Primaria Angela Landa is located in the old part of Havana.

Families of these children live very poorly, but there is good medicine (at the level of Western standards), and children are fed free at school.

  Portrait of world school students  education in different countries

High School in England.

History lesson in the sixth grade of high school in England.

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Primary school in Gambellla, Ethiopia.

Gambella is a small village 420 km from the capital Addis Ababa. In school 5 classes. The teachers - the most respected inhabitants of this village, as well as the most highly paid - they receive about $ 70 a month.

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Kuramo High School, Nigeria.

School Kuramo Junior College on the island of Victoria is located near the capital Lagos. In the photo - the only comfortable class in the school, the rest - in the open air. This class and furniture in it were arranged for the charity money of one oil company.

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School Ming-Shen, Taiwan.

Pupils at Min-sheng Junior High School in Taipei sleep right behind their desks for 30 minutes after lunch in class. After sleeping, they will walk on the street for 10 minutes and will start studying again. Fatigue of these children can be understood - they have 8-9 lessons a day.

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Arab School, Yemen.

In the classes of the Arab schools of the city of Sana'a study 50 and more people. Three or four students sit at desks designed for two. And in some villages there are no desks at all.

English is started to be learned only in the fifth grade. Also often there are no classrooms in chemistry, physics and biology in schools.

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Omar bin al-Khattab, Qatar.

The educational complex Omar Bin Al-Khattab is located in Doha, the capital of Qatar. According to Jermen, this school seemed to him effective (there are even teachers from Europe), but soulless. The pupils make their particular mustache pride.

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School in Ruifang, Taiwan.

Elementary school in Ruifang district, Taiwan.

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Naim High School, Bahrain.

In the photo - students in grade 11 in the classroom of the English language.

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Waseda School in Japan.

A full school course in Japan is 12 years old; it is divided into three periods: junior, middle and high school. Only junior and secondary education are obligatory - only those who are going to enter higher education institutions go to high school, and all high schools are paid.

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Sunday school in Nigeria.

Students of the Muslim school Kulliati in Kano, Nigeria.

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Public School of Our Lady of Belo Rameau, Brazil.


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