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Early age is the time when the foundations of a person’s physical, mental, personal development are laid. In early childhood, the child goes a giant way of development. During this period, forms of communication with adults are formed, the first social emotions appear that are aimed at an adult, the need for communication with him is formed, visual-effective thinking develops, memory and imagination develops, passive and active speech is developed, the first connections of the word with the subject are established first, the manipulative, then the objective activity is formed, and on its basis - the plot game, there are prerequisites for gaming and productive activity. Therefore, the losses made during this period are irreparable in full in later life. This circumstance imposes a special responsibility on adults for the fate of a growing person.

The founders of early childhood pedagogy are N. M. Schelovanov, N. M. Aksarina. Fundamental studies of the development of movements of young children were carried out by M. Yu. Kistyakovskaya. A. M. Fonarev discovered ways to realize the potential cognitive abilities of children based on the organization of their orienting-research activities. M. Yu. Kistyakovskaya, G. M. Lyamina, K. L. Pechora, G. V. Pantyukhina played an important role in the creation of methodological manuals for the upbringing of young children, where the features of the age periods of early childhood and the general issues of organizing children's life are highlighted. , E. L. Frukht and others. Problems of adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten are highlighted in the works of N. M. Aksarina, R. V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, A. I. Myshkis, L. G. Golubeva, N. D Vatutina; the problems of the development of communication between children and adults and peers are presented in various ways in the works of M.I. Lisina, A.G. Ruzskaya, L.N. Galiguzova. Problems of the formation of the subject and game activities of young children are revealed in the works of F. I. Fradkina, E. I. Radzina, S. L. Novoselova, R. I. Zhukovskaya, E. I. Zvorygina, N. Ya. Mikhaylenko. N. Aksarin, V. N. Avanesova, E. L. Frukht, L. N. Pavlova, E. G. Pilyugin, and others studied the didactics of early childhood.

The period of early childhood has a number of physiological and psychological characteristics that distinguish it from subsequent age periods:

one . In early childhood, the fastest rates of both physical and mental development are observed. During this period, the weight, height, body weight, and weight of the brain intensively increase.

2. The relationship and unity of physical and mental development. A strong, physically full-fledged child is not only less susceptible to diseases, but also develops mentally better, behaves more actively in relation to the world around.

3. Increased vulnerability and insufficient functional maturity of all organs and body systems. Young children are susceptible to various diseases, easily hurt and get tired quickly.

4. High plasticity of the nervous system of the child and, in connection with this, easy learning.

5. The development process is step-wise and uneven. In the first year of life, there is a jump in physical development, in the second year of life, in speech.

6. Of particular importance at an early age are emotions. An emotional state is an indicator of mental development and a child’s state of comfort or discomfort. All young growths of an early age depend on the positive emotional state of the child, and a lack of communication with an adult can result in emotional deprivation.

7. A healthy child is born with a finished sensorimotor need (the need for sensations and movements). As early as the first month, pronounced orienting reactions to everything new begin to manifest themselves in the child, which later turn into a special orienting-cognitive activity, interest in everything around, an interested child’s desire to know “what is it?”, “Why?”, “From where?” ".

8. Very strongly in a young child there is a need to communicate with an adult, which is formed from the first days of life. In the first years of life, the content of communication between an adult and a child undergoes a qualitative change: at the beginning this communication about physiological comfort (the need for food, hygienic care, heat, etc.); then the need for new experiences; emotional communication ("emotionally positive complex"); then business communication (communication about the activities). Accounting for these features contributes to the successful development and full education of the baby.

When educating young children, an adult should take into account the basic pedagogical rules and principles of organizing educational work with children:

- The principle of unity in the health and educational work;

- the requirement of unity of approach to the upbringing of the child by all the surrounding people

- individual communication with the child;

- taking into account the age characteristics and individual abilities of children;

- fostering a positive attitude towards the requirements of adults;

- harm frequent bans and long passive expectations;

- timely formation of skills of independence;

- psychological preparation of the child to fulfill the requirements of an adult;

- exemplary behavior of an adult involved in raising a baby, because young children are distinguished by imitation and impressionability.

Thus, in order for a child’s development to proceed successfully and fully, it is necessary to know the characteristics of an early age, understand the uniqueness of this period, and be able to create favorable conditions for the education and self-disclosure of the capabilities of each child.



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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics