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Secondary vocational education (SPE) - education on the basis of basic general, secondary (full) general or primary vocational education, carried out in secondary specialized educational institutions or other educational institutions of secondary vocational education, having a corresponding license, for basic professional educational programs.

Secondary specialized educational institution (Secondary Special Educational Institution) is an educational institution that implements professional educational programs of secondary vocational education. The main tasks of the SSUZ are:

- Satisfying the needs of the individual in obtaining STR and qualifications in the chosen field of professional activity in the intellectual, cultural, physical and moral development;

- meeting the needs of society for qualified specialists with open source software;

- retraining and advanced training of mid-level specialists and workers;

- dissemination of knowledge among the population, raising its general educational and cultural level, including through the provision of paid educational services.

According to their organizational and legal forms, secondary specialized educational institutions can be state, municipal, non-state (private, public, and religious organizations).

The secondary special educational institutions include: a technical school (college), a college, a technical college-enterprise (institution).

In secondary vocational schools there are two levels of secondary vocational education: basic and advanced, suggesting a two-tier structure of secondary vocational schools, respectively (technical school, college).

The technical school (school) is the main type of secondary vocational educational institutions implementing vocational educational programs of secondary vocational education.

Technical School-Enterprise (institution) is an independent educational institution that implements vocational educational programs of secondary vocational education and carries out professional activities that correspond to the profile of training students.

College is an independent educational institution of a higher type (or a structural unit of a university, academy, institute) that implements advanced professional educational programs of secondary vocational education in individual training plans for extended training, providing students with an increased level of qualification.

The main professional educational program of secondary vocational education is a document (set of documents) that defines, in accordance with this standard, the content of secondary vocational education of a certain level in a particular specialty.

Educational programs of secondary vocational education can be implemented both in colleges, technical schools, and in other types of educational institutions of secondary vocational education with a license.

SPO has as its goal the training of mid-level specialists, the satisfaction of an individual’s need for deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (full) general and primary vocational education. Citizens who have a secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education of the corresponding profile receive vocational education in reduced accelerated programs. The secondary vocational education can be obtained at secondary vocational education institutions or at the first stage of higher vocational education institutions (HPE). Educational institutions of secondary vocational education can implement educational programs of primary vocational education with a license.

Persons with secondary professional education of the corresponding profile can receive higher professional education on reduced accelerated programs.

Forms of development of professional educational programs of secondary vocational education in educational institutions are: full-time, part-time, extramural, family education, self-education, external studies. Allowed a combination of forms to obtain free software.

SPO is carried out in accordance with the standard of education. The need for vocational education standards is linked to the need to streamline the basic requirements for the content and quality of vocational training in various types of educational institutions. The presence of the standard SPO allows you to establish a basic level of qualification, improve the quality of vocational training by expanding the profile, universalizing the content of education, ensure the convertibility of vocational education within and outside the state, etc. The standard of vocational education can be: international, state, regional.

The implementation of the standard is carried out in the curriculum of the specialty, work programs. The curriculum is a state regulatory document regulating the general direction and main content of training, the sequence, intensity and timing of studying subjects, the main forms of organization of training, the forms and dates for monitoring students' knowledge and skills.

Thus, SPO is an integral part of the education system, it has its own legal and organizational basis, which allows to carry out professional training of specialists and develop as a system.



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