
The family as a unique community of people, as the basic unit of society, performs the most important social functions, plays a particularly significant role in the life of a person, his protection, the formation and satisfaction of individual needs, the provision of primary socialization. The influence of the family on the child is enormous, because it is family upbringing that is more emotionally in nature, because its “guide” is parental love for children. In the family, the child learns a certain system of value orientations, social norms, the culture of society at a certain stage of its development. Only the family introduces the child to the traditions of the nation, nationality, to the culture of his people. The family gives the child a sense of security, security, reduces anxiety in new situations for the child. The family forms in the child a certain model of parental behavior through imitation of the behavior of their parents. In the family, the child acquires the vast life experience he needs in the future (housekeeping skills). The family performs a disciplining function through the regulation by parents of the behavior of their child. It is in the family that the child gains experience in communicating with others, learns to interact with the world and people.

Analysis of the trends occurring in modern Russian life allows us to fix the following family problems.

Reforms in the economy and social sphere of Russia have led to the specifics of family development inherent in countries with transitional economies — a sharp drop in the birth rate, a reduction in the number of children and the number of family households, a significant decrease in the living standards of families with children, and a weakening of social support from the state.

A distinctive feature of modern society is the differentiation as a sharp separation of the population into social groups and, as a consequence, the emergence of very rich and very poor families, and hence socially unprotected parents and children. The poverty of many families does not allow them to meet the elementary needs of children in clothes, household items, and proper diets. Parents do not have sufficient funds to incur additional expenses for the upbringing and education of children, for the organization of their leisure and recreation, for the payment of services for preschool and other children's institutions. As a result, a situation of social deprivation of a significant part of the younger generation is created (deprivation, restriction or insufficiency of conditions, material and spiritual resources necessary for the upbringing, diversified development and socialization of children).

The next unfavorable trend is a decrease in the level of nuptiality and, at the same time, an increase in the number of divorces with children.

In recent years, there has been a decrease in the educational potential of the family in the current situation of the development of society. The reasons for this phenomenon are poverty, high employment of parents, the transformation of gender relations and parental roles. Modern studies have noted that a working mother takes the dominant position in the family, earning money for the family and responsible for raising children.


The study of the phenomenon of family distress makes it possible to note the increase in the recent years of alienation between parents and children, in some cases, parents withdraw themselves from their children, do not perform educational functions, focusing mainly on family relations. Some parents believe that their main task is to ensure the maintenance of the child in the family, creating conditions for his life, and kindergarten and school should be engaged in upbringing. In this approach, the inertia of the old ideas about the priority of social education over the family is manifested.

But the most common cause of family trouble is the alcoholization of a large part of the population, drunkenness as a social pastime that leads to self-estrangement of parents from their children, their education takes on hypertrophied forms: parents of alcoholics actually abandon children to their fate or refuse them altogether. This is one of the reasons for the growth of street children.

Evaluation of the trends in the development of the modern family allows fixing many other social, moral, psychological and pedagogical problems. We restrict ourselves to their enumeration:

- a high level of socio-psychological anxiety, fatigue of people, their discontent with life;

- disorientation of people in the sphere of moral life, negative trends in the dynamics of basic value orientations;

- individualization as a reinforcing orientation towards oneself, towards the significance of one's experiences, towards life-giving here and now;

- decrease in the level of general culture; indicators of this may be a decrease in the frequency of visits to theaters, museums, cinema, and the loss of age-old cultural traditions, and a significant reduction in spirituality and the search for art.

Thus, the analysis of the problems of the modern family necessitates the construction of an educational space in pre-school educational institutions. Parent education performs the function of helping and supporting, protecting children and their parents, provides a professional solution to various problems of upbringing, initiates the responsibility of parents for the fate of their children.

In the process of interaction between the DOE and the family, the following provisions are of fundamental importance:

- orientation of preschool educational institutions on the relevant significant problems affecting the development of children;

- development of parental reflection;

- taking into account the personal experience of parents and the constant appeal to him;

- the mobility of educational programs, the variability of the content of forms, methods of working with parents;

- rejection of moral tone;

- recognition of the freedom of parents to express their will to participate in the educational process.

Factors hindering effective interaction with pupils' parents : the expectation of quick success and results; the teacher’s lack of experience in group interaction with parents; difficulties in establishing communication (closeness of parents); rarity, short duration of such work, its unsystematic nature; parental stereotypes “I already know everything”, etc.

Forms of work with parents can be divided into group and individual. Group: parent meetings, conferences, forums, workshops, trainings, pedagogical lectures, parent clubs, "round tables" to discuss any problematic issues. Individual: conversations, counseling, family visits.

Methods of working with parents: lectures, discussions, heuristic conversations, mini-experiment, games, etc.

Parent education tools: communication for caregivers, children and parents; media; exhibitions of pedagogical literature; discussion of films, parental associations, parental places, joint trips and excursions, etc.

Thus, the effectiveness of all the work in the interaction of the DOU and the family depends on how professionally organized the work of the teacher, psychologist, and administration is with the parents of the pupils. It requires the availability of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and professional skills in building differentiated interaction with each family.


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26. "The gifted child." Program / Ed. L. A. Wenger. - M., 1996.

27. The basics of preschool pedagogy / ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, T.A. Markova. - M., 1980

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See also


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