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In kindergarten, pictorial activities include such activities as drawing, modeling, applique and design. Each of these types has its own capabilities in displaying the child’s impressions of the world and the development of children's fine art. Therefore, the general tasks of visual activity are specified depending on the characteristics of each type, the originality of the material and methods of working with it.

Drawing is one of the favorite activities of children, giving great scope for the manifestation of their creative activity.

Subject drawings can be varied. The guys draw everything that interests them: individual objects and scenes from the surrounding life, literary heroes and decorative patterns, etc. They have access to the use of expressive means of drawing. Thus, color is used to convey a resemblance to a real object, to express the relationship of drawing an image to an object and in a decorative plan. Having mastered the techniques of composition, children more fully and richer begin to display their intentions in plot works.

However, the awareness and technical mastery of drawing techniques are rather difficult for a small child, so the tutor must approach the subject of work with great attention.

In kindergarten mainly colored pencils, water-color and gouache paints with different graphic possibilities are used.

The pencil creates a linear shape. At the same time one piece after another looms, various details are added. Then the line image is colored. Such a sequence of creating a picture facilitates the analytical activity of the child’s thinking. Having drawn one part, he remembers or sees in nature, on which part he should work further. In addition, linear contours help in coloring the picture, clearly showing the boundaries of the parts.

In painting with paints (gouache and watercolor), the creation of the form comes from a colorful spot, and not from the contour. In this regard, paints are of great importance for the development of a sense of color and shape. It is easy to convey with paints the color richness of the surrounding life: a clear sky, a sunset and a sunrise, a blue sea, etc. When performed with pencils, these topics are laborious, they require well-developed technical skills.

The program of the kindergarten defines the types of graphic materials for each age group. For the older and preparatory groups, it is recommended to additionally use a charcoal pencil, crayons, pastels, sanguine. These materials expand the artistic possibilities of children. When working with coal and sanguine, the image is monochromatic, which allows you to focus all your attention on the form and transfer of the texture of the object; colored chalk makes it easier to paint large surfaces and large forms; pastel makes it possible to convey a variety of shades of color.

The peculiarity of modeling as one of the types of visual activity lies in the volumetric method of image. Sculpting is a kind of sculpture, which includes work not only with soft material, but also with hard (marble, granite, etc.). The plasticity of the material and the volume of the imaged form allow the preschooler to master some techniques in modeling rather than in drawing. For example, the transfer of motion in a drawing is a complex task that requires a lot of learning. In modeling, the solution of this problem is facilitated. The child first sculpts the object in a static position, and then bends its parts in accordance with the plan.

The transfer of spatial relationships of objects in modeling is also simplified - objects, like in real life, are placed one after another, closer and further from the center of the composition. Issues of perspective in modeling are simply removed.

The main tool in creating an image in modeling is the transfer of a three-dimensional form. The color used is limited. Usually painted those works that will later be used in children's games. Relief molding, associated mainly with the performance of decorative works (modeling and decorating decorative plates, dishes, etc.) is available to children of 5-7 years old.

Clay as the most plastic material occupies the main place in modeling. Well cooked, it is easily exposed to the hands of even a child of 2-3 years. Dried clay works can be stored for a long time.

Plasticine has less plastic capacity. It requires pre-warming and at the same time, in a highly heated state, it loses its plasticity, adheres to hands, causing unpleasant skin sensations. Preschoolers work with plasticine mainly outside of group classes.

In the process of studying the application, children become acquainted with simple and complex shapes of various objects, parts and silhouettes of which they carve and paste. Creating silhouette images requires a lot of work of thought and imagination, since the silhouette lacks the details, which are sometimes the main features of the subject.

Apprenticeships contribute to the development of mathematical concepts. Preschoolers get acquainted with the names and signs of the simplest geometric shapes, get an idea of ​​the spatial position of objects and their parts (left, right, corner, center, etc.) and values ​​(more, less). These complex concepts are easily absorbed by children in the process of creating a decorative pattern or when depicting an object in parts.

In the process of training , preschoolers develop feelings of color, rhythm, symmetry, and on this basis artistic taste is formed. They do not need to make the colors themselves or paint over the forms. Providing children with paper of different colors and shades, they are brought up with the ability to select beautiful combinations.

Children become familiar with the concepts of rhythm and symmetry already at a younger age when distributing elements of a decorative pattern.

Classes by apprenticing children to plan the organization of work, which is especially important here, because in this kind of art, the sequence of attaching parts is of great importance for creating a composition (large forms are glued first, then they fly: in subject works, first background, then background objects obscured by others, and lastly the foreground items). Performing applicative images contributes to the development of the musculature of the hand, coordination of movements. A child learns to own scissors. Correctly cut forms, turning a sheet of paper, lay out the forms on a sheet at equal distance from each other.

The construction of various materials more than other types of visual activity associated with the game. The game often accompanies the design process, and crafts made by children are usually used in games.

In kindergarten, these types of designs are used: from building material, sets of designers, paper, natural and other materials.

In the process of designing preschoolers acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. Constructing from a building material, they get acquainted with geometric volumetric shapes, get an idea of ​​the meaning of symmetry, balance, proportions. When designing from paper, children's knowledge of geometric plane figures, concepts of face, corners, and center are refined. The guys get acquainted with the methods of modifying flat forms by bending, folding, cutting, gluing paper, as a result of which a new three-dimensional form appears.

Working with natural and other materials allows children to show their creative abilities, to acquire new graphic skills.

For constructive work, ready-made forms are usually used, connecting which children get the desired image.

All types of design contribute to the development of constructive thinking and creative abilities of children. The child must submit the created object in advance (mentally or on the basis of the existing sample), the shape of its parts, mentally try on the existing forms he has, identify their suitability and then use (connect separate parts, add details, if necessary - apply coloring). The complex process of the formation of constructive thinking requires attentive and clear guidance from the educator.

All considered types of graphic activity are closely related. This various types of communication is carried out primarily through the content of the work. Some topics are common to all species - the image of houses, transport, animals, etc. So, if the preschool children of the senior or preparatory groups depicted a hare during modeling or appliqués, then they received knowledge of its shape, size, ratio of parts. can be used in plot drawing without a special training session. It is important to consider whether preschoolers possess the necessary for this work visual and technical techniques - the ability to draw rounded shapes, place objects on the sheet. The connection between various types of graphic activity is carried out by successive mastery of formative movements in working with various materials. So, it is better to start acquaintance with the round shape with modeling, where it is given in bulk. In the application, the child is introduced to the planar circle shape. A linear contour is created in drawing.

Thus, when planning work, the educator must carefully consider what material will allow children to quickly and easily master the skills of the image. The knowledge acquired by preschool children in the classroom by one type of graphic activity can be successfully used in the classroom for other types of work and with other material.


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