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The musical upbringing and development of children depends on the forms of organization of children's musical activities (hereinafter - FOMDD), each of which has its own capabilities. FOMDD in preschool includes activities and music in the daily life of the kindergarten.

Classes are the main form of organization in which children are taught, the development of their abilities, the education of personality traits, the formation of the foundations of musical and general culture.

Classes involve active mutual activities of the teacher and children. The main task facing the teacher in the classroom is to arouse children's interest in music and musical activities, to enrich their feelings. When it is carried out, other tasks are more successfully accomplished - to develop musical abilities, to form the basics of taste, to teach children the necessary skills and abilities. To do this, the teacher himself must be passionate about his work, possess professional skills.

Depending on the number of children participating in them, the occupations are divided into individual, in subgroups, frontal ones. The content of the classes can be typical, dominant, thematic and complex. The teacher needs to vary the types of classes depending on the age of the children, the level of their musical development.

In the classroom, under the guidance of a teacher, the child masters all types of performing: acquires singing, musical and rhythmic skills and abilities, learns to play musical instruments. With the help of these types of performances, the teacher seeks to interest children in music, to train them in independent ways of action, which they will apply in life.

Music in the daily life of the kindergarten as FOMDD includes the use of music in everyday life (listening to recordings, children's independent music playing, exercises, games, morning gymnastics to music, etc.), various kinds of entertainment (themed music evenings, conversation concerts, theater performances and performances, games, round dances, rides, etc.), festive matinees.

The use of music in everyday life is the responsibility of the educator. The music director advises him: recommends musical repertoire, musical and didactic games; selects tasks and exercises for teaching children to play musical instruments, etc. Entertainment and festive matinees are prepared by the music director with the help of educators.

In the life of the kindergarten, the child uses the closest types of performing and creative activity. The participation of the teacher is indirect. The quality of independent children's performance, as a rule, is somewhat worse than in class, but the value of such performance is great, as it indicates the formation of interest in music.

Especially valuable for the musical development of children are entertainment, which reinforce and deepen the musical impressions received in the classroom, spiritually enrich children, develop the foundations of children's musical culture and bring pleasure to children. The role and place of music in entertainment is not the same. Music can play a leading role (conversation-concert) or the role of musical accompaniment (performance).

There are certain requirements for entertainment.

In order not to overload children, it is necessary to alternate entertainment that requires and does not require training, and also include simple sports entertainment and attractions that bring joy to children and develop their physical qualities.

The holiday as FOMDD combines different types of art, therefore, it primarily develops in children aesthetic feelings, an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality. The theme of the holidays is determined at the stage of advanced planning. By drawing up the program of the holiday should be approached creatively, given the specific conditions of the kindergarten, the experience of the teaching staff. The whole teaching staff of DOW takes part in the preparation of the holiday. Holidays can be held in the morning or in the afternoon. Their duration of 20 minutes is not more than 1 hour, depending on the age of the children and the content of the holiday itself. In the program of the holiday it is necessary to foresee everything: the duration, the pace of performances, the alternation of numbers, the ratio of adult and children's participation, so that the composition is holistic, slim, not overworking children. The main burden in preparing the holiday falls on adults. They carefully think over the scenario, the methodology of the celebration, distribute in detail all the “adult” roles, special attention is paid to the choice of the leader, who should be well aware of the content and sequence of the program, as well as be able to communicate freely with children and guests. The presenter is helped by a music director, a senior educator, and a kindergarten manager.

The program of the holiday should not be familiar to the children entirely. It is important to preserve the freshness of their perception, the immediacy of emotions and not overstrain the children. Matinee can be held in two close by age groups.

The so-called holiday farewell has become a good tradition in kindergarten when design, costumes and attributes for games, performances are left in the music room. This allows you to consolidate the festive impressions, once again enjoy the performance


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Pedagogy and didactics

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