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case method



Case method is widely used in studying abroad. It was first used in the educational process at the Faculty of Law at Harvard University. The widespread introduction of this method at Harvard University began in 1920. The first collections of cases were published in 1925 in reports from Harvard University. Currently, Harvard University occupies a leading position in the direction of scientific and practical developments on case-based methods. In this paper, it is the development of the Harvard University that will occupy a significant place in the structure of the material proposed for study.

In recent years, in connection with the course towards the modernization of Russian education, new effective teaching methods, including the case method, have been introduced in the systems of secondary and higher education in Russia.

The problem of introducing a case method into the practice of school and higher vocational education is currently highly relevant, due to two trends:

  • the first follows from the general orientation of the development of education, its orientation not only towards obtaining specific knowledge, but also towards the formation of competences, abilities and skills of thinking, the development of personal abilities, among which special attention is paid to the ability to learn, the ability to process vast amounts of information;
  • the second follows from the development of requirements for the quality of a specialist, who, in addition to meeting the requirements of the first trend, must also have the ability to conduct optimal behavior in different situations, to be systematic and effective in the conditions of continuous changes in public, professional and other spheres of life [1].

It should be noted that the use of the case method in higher education has many specific points, in contrast to the use of this method in high school. This paper focuses on aspects of using the case method in high school.

Part 1. The essence of the case method

The case method or the method of specific situations should be attributed to the methods of active problem-based, heuristic learning. The name of the method comes from the English case– case, the situation and from the concept of a “case” - a case for storing various papers, magazines, documents, etc.

Its essence is that students are offered to understand and find a solution for a situation that is related to real life problems and the description of which reflects a practical task. A distinctive feature of this method is the creation of a problem situation based on facts from real life. At the same time, the problem itself does not have unambiguous solutions. To work with such a situation, it is necessary to set the training task correctly, and to solve it, prepare a “case” with various information materials (articles, literary stories, Internet sites, statistical reports, etc.)

For example, an informatics teacher has a task to tell about algorithms for organizing information (alphabetical names, numbers in ascending or descending order, etc.) and the teacher wanted to give this material in case-method mode. It is necessary to start, as noted above, with the correct formulation of the problem. The task should sound so that it describes the practical situation. For example: a small trading company decided to create its own mini information system to determine the profitability of the sale of certain types of products in order to analyze the situation weekly and change, if necessary, the volume of deliveries. The programmer was tasked to create a database for all types of products and make the function of organizing the database in ascending (descending) total amount of the profit from the sale of each product.

For further decision, the teacher must prepare the necessary data - a “case” for solving the set task. What can enter the "case" in the above example? For example, these may be articles with descriptions of various methods, algorithms for organizing information, articles evaluating the effectiveness of these methods in terms of programming style, speed, etc., an unordered database of products, a list of suppliers of these types of products, a brief description of a small business. and so forth

If we consider the possibility of using the case method in mathematics, then, for example, a theorem on geometry can be given in the context of the problem that builders need to solve in order to correctly construct an object. If we apply the case method within the framework of history and social studies, then the training task can be set as follows: There is an opinion that the current socio-demographic situation in Russia was the result of some historical periods of the country's development. Let us determine which historical periods really could have influenced the existing socio-demographic situation, how this influence was expressed and what needs to be taken into account today, based on historical experience. Next, the teacher offers a selected information "case" and organizes activities to solve the problem, the problem.

Having set the task correctly and preparing the “case”, it is necessary to organize the activities of the students to solve the problem posed. Work in the case-method mode involves group activities. The immediate goal of the method is by joint efforts each of the students' subgroups analyzes the situation - the case, and develops a practical solution. As a result, an activity is organized to evaluate the proposed algorithms and select the best solution in the context of the problem posed.

It should be noted that the work in the case-method mode is to a certain extent technologized and focused on the technology of problem-based, project-based learning.

Let us highlight some of the technological features of the case method:

  • The method is a type of research analytical technology, i.e. includes research process operations, analytical procedures.
  • The method acts as a technology of collective learning, the most important components of which are group work (or subgroups) and the mutual exchange of information, including procedures for individual, group and collective development, the formation of the diverse personal qualities of the trainees.
  • The method acts as a specific type of design technology. Within the framework of the case-method, the problem is formulated and ways of solving it on the basis of a “case”, which simultaneously acts as a technical task and a source of information for understanding options for effective actions. [2]

Thus, several practically significant questions arise:

  • How to prepare a "case", and what materials can serve as sources of "cases"?
  • How to organize the activities of students in the case-method? What needs to be considered?
  • How should a teacher, practicing the case method, build their professional activities? What are the pros and cons to consider?
  • What benefits for students can a teacher practice the case method?

Part 2. How to prepare a "case", and what materials can serve as sources of "cases"?

There are different approaches to the classification of "cases" (in the following text, just a case without quotes). Consider the classification, which is based on the content of the case and the degree of its impact on students. In this classification can be distinguished:

  • practical cases that reflect absolutely real life situations;
  • teaching cases whose main task is training;
  • research cases focused on the implementation of research activities.

The main task of the practical case is to reflect in detail and in detail the life situation. This case creates a practical, “effective” model of the situation. At the same time, the educational purpose of such a case can be reduced to the training of students, the consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities of behavior (decision-making) in a given situation. Such cases should be as visual and detailed as possible. Its main meaning comes down to the knowledge of life and the acquisition of the ability for real professional activity.

A learning case, unlike a practical one, reflects life not “one to one”. In the training case in the first place are the educational and educational tasks, which determines a significant element of conditionality in the reflection of life in it. The situation, the problem and the plot here are not real, practical, but such as they could or could be in life. They are characterized by artificiality, "assembly" of the most important details. Such a case provides little for understanding a particular fragment of society. However, it necessarily forms an approach to such a fragment.

The same is true for a research case. Its main meaning is that it acts as a model for obtaining new knowledge about the situation and behavior in it. Such a case is difficult to apply in training. The training function of it is reduced to teaching the skills of scientific research through the use of a modeling method. This case is based on the principles of creating a research model. Therefore, it is best to use it not as a method of general education, but as a method of advanced training, i.e. as a method of training, retraining professionals. The dominance of the research function in it also allows quite effectively to use it in research activities [1].

To summarize the above material can be in the form of a table:

Contents of the case

Purpose of the case

The main educational, educational task of the case

Practical case

Life situations

Cognition, understanding of life

Behavior training

Case study

Training (conditional) situations

Understanding typical situation characteristics

Analysis, comprehension

Research case

Research situations

Creating Situation Models

Research, design

Discussing issues of case preparation, it is necessary to single out information sources that can make up the contents of cases.

Fiction and nonfiction literature, which may suggest ideas, and in some cases determine the plot outline of the case. Magnificent cases can be created on the basis of famous works of classical fiction. Effective use of fragments from fiction and journalism, which, thanks to the talent of their authors, can not only beautify a case, but also make it interesting, dynamic, and easily digestible. Fragments of journalism, the inclusion in the case of operational information from the media significantly updates the case, increases the interest of students in it. The use of fiction and journalism gives the case a cultural function, stimulates the moral development of the individual.

Scientific character and strictness of the case are provided by statistical materials, data on the state of the market, the socio-economic characteristics of the enterprise, etc. Moreover, these materials can play the role of a direct tool for diagnosing a situation, and can act as a material for calculating indicators that are most important for understanding the situation.

Good-quality materials for the case can be obtained through the analysis of scientific articles, monographs and scientific reports on a particular problem. If the works of journalism and fiction give emotional saturation and substantive tangibility of the case, the works of science give it greater rigor and correctness. A good scientific article is usually characterized by an in-depth understanding of any issue, and a scientific monograph provides a systematic, comprehensive description of the subject matter.

The inexhaustible deposit of case material is the Internet with its resources. This source is characterized by considerable scale, flexibility and efficiency. Most recently, the teacher was forced to prepare bulk paper cases, printing or copying the information found. Today, the Internet has greatly facilitated the work of teachers in the preparation of cases. Modern cases are more and more a base of Internet links [1].

Cases can be presented in various forms: from several sentences on one page to multiple pages. However, it should be borne in mind that cases that are very large in volume cause students some difficulties compared to small ones, especially when working for the first time.

It should be noted that today there is no specific standard for presenting cases. Cases are presented in print or on electronic media, but the inclusion in the text of photographs, charts, tables makes it more visual.

So, a good case should meet the following requirements:

  • correspond to the goal of creation;
  • have a level of difficulty in accordance with the capabilities of students;
  • to be relevant today;
  • to be focused on collective decision making;
  • to have several solutions, multi-alternative solutions (the fundamental absence of a single solution) than to provoke a discussion.

Part 3. How to organize activities in the case-method?

The case method relies on a set of specific didactic principles.

First, a problem-type learning task is being developed, focused on a practical situation.

Secondly, there is no unequivocal answer to the cognitive problem question, but there are several answers that can compete in the degree of truth. The task of teaching here immediately deviates from the classical scheme and is aimed at obtaining not only one, but many truths and orientation in their problem field.

Thirdly, the focus of educational activity here is transferred not so much to the mastery of ready-made knowledge, but to its development, to the co-creation of students and the teacher. Hence the fundamental difference between the case method and the traditional methods - the student is essentially equal in rights with other students and the teacher in the process of discussing the problem.

If you briefly describe the most common technological model of activity in the case-method mode (case-technology), then it will contain several steps-steps:

  • The teacher selects, prepares the training task, reflecting the practical situation
  • The teacher prepares a case from several pages to several dozen pages.
  • Students, as a rule, pre-read and study the case, drawing on the materials of the lecture course and other various sources of information, analyze the material.
  • After this, the lesson contains a detailed group discussion of the contents of the case and several solutions are developed. Individual participants or subgroups present their decisions. In this case, the teacher acts as a moderator, generating questions, fixing the answers, supporting the discussion in the group, in subgroups, helping to correctly evaluate the presented solutions.
  • The teacher together with the trainers sum up, draw conclusions, choose the most optimal, effective solution (several solutions are possible).

Familiarization of students with the text of the case and a preliminary analysis of the case is most often carried out a few days before it is discussed and implemented as independent work.

Discussion is central to the case-method structure. The lack of preparedness of students for discussion can make it formal, turn it into a process of pulling information from a teacher, rather than independently obtaining it.

Discussion should be used when students already have a certain degree of maturity and independence of thinking, are able to argue, prove and substantiate their point of view. To do this, you can hold several discussion classes, teach students the rules of conducting and participating in the discussion. The main factor in the discussion is the degree of its leadership by the teacher. While leading the discussion, the teacher should seek to participate in the discussion of each participant, listen to the arguments for and against and explain to them, control the process and direction of the discussion.

To be effective, the instructional discussion strategy must be carefully prepared by the teacher, structured, regulated in time, and controlled. The teacher should predict the development of the discussion and correct its course, raising those questions and emphasizing those moments for which he would like to direct the discussion. At the same time, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that students can express points of view and views that are not foreseen in advance.

The presentation , or presentation of decisions based on the analysis of the case, is a very important aspect of the method. The ability to publicly present an intellectual product, to show its merits and possible directions of effective use, as well as to stand up to a barrage of criticism, is a very valuable integral quality of the personality in the modern world.The presentation sharpens many of the underlying qualities of the personality: will, conviction, purposefulness, etc .; it develops the skills of public communication, the formation of its own image [2].

Evaluation of the presented solutions is the most important problem of learning through the case method. Examination and assessment of knowledge should be conducted according to the didactic principles of training. There are some evaluation requirements:

  • objectivity - the creation of conditions in which the knowledge of the trainees would be revealed as accurately as possible, the presentation of uniform requirements to them, a fair attitude towards each;
  • the validity of the ratings - their argument;
  • minimization of situations of conflict, for which it is necessary to develop and adopt rules for decision-making by the whole group.

It should be noted that the traditional five-point evaluation system is poorly adapted to work with cases. Its main drawback is that, due to small quantities, it does not allow to accumulate points for intermediate work, to evaluate the activity of students, their repeated performances. Here the teacher’s evaluative creativity is of particular importance, which should be reasonable. Students must understand not only the rules for working with a case, but also the system of evaluating their work as a teacher.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of the case method is a difficult process, in which the levels of preparedness of the teacher and students for activities in this mode play a significant role.

Гарвардский школа по разработке и преподаванию кейс-методов выделяет 4 типа подходов организации образовательной деятельности в режиме данного метода. Выделение таких подходов зависит от целей обучения, от уровня мотивированности и уровня знаний учеников, от умений учеников и преподавателя работать в режиме кейс-метода, от того, какие средства деятельности необходимо применять, от уровня помощи преподавателя обучающимся и пр.

Представленные в таблице подходы различаются по уровню инициативности и активности преподавателя и обучающихся при работе над проблемой, по инициативе преподавателя и обучающихся при подготовке материалов кейса, по уровню ответственности преподавателя и обучающихся при выборе итогового решения [3].

Типы кейсов (Гарвардская школа)

Создание проблемной ситуации



Содержание кейса

Выбор создание итогового решения

Case-stated method.

Stated- fixed

The teacher sets the problem

The teacher prepares the case

Case contains 2-3 ready-made solutions for the problem under consideration.

Students are invited to express their opinions. As a result, the teacher himself chooses and justifies the option, commenting on the points of view of the students.

Analytical case (Case-incident method).

Incident- intrinsic, peculiar, related

The teacher sets the problem

The teacher prepares the case

The case contains several options (3-4) solutions and a certain amount of inf. sources on the problem

Students must choose a solution and justify it based on the materials of the finished case.

Heuristic Case (case method).

Problem- problem, problem situation

The teacher defines the problem in general terms, the students specify the problem (for younger students, the teacher can also specify the problem)

The teacher is preparing the initial case. Students complete it, if necessary.

Case contains some amount of inf. sources on the problem, may contain some solutions, illustrating examples, etc.

Students should build their own informed decision, based on the materials of the finished case.

Perhaps, to substantiate their point of view, students complement the case with new information

Case study study method.

Study study

The teacher identifies the problem area, the students independently set the problem (younger students need help in formulating the problem)

Преподаватель готовит начальный кейс, обучающиеся его дополняют

Кейс содержит некоторое количество инф. текстов по рассматриваемой проблеме

Обучающиеся предлагают собственное решение. Для обоснования своей точки либо дополняют готовый кейс новой информацией, либо, в зависимости от решения, готовят новый кейс

При движении от подхода к подходу, видно, что возрастает уровень активности и ответственности и обучающихся и преподавателя, увеличивается объем аналитической, обобщающей, доказательной деятельности обучающихся, возрастают требования к профессиональному мастерству педагога, регулирующего, организующего образовательную деятельность.

Стоит особо заметить, что в методических разработках Гарвардского университета рекомендуется начинать практиковать кейс-метод с обучающих кейсов, когда преподаватель сам задает проблему, сам предлагает 2-3 способа ее разрешения (которые и составляют содержание кейса), задает вопрос: какой же из способов правильный или более эффективный?, сам с собой дискутирует при оценке, разборе предложенных решений, сам выбирает и обосновывает итоговое решение. Обучающиеся могут высказать свои точки зрения и попытаться их обосновать. Такая деятельность преподавателя демонстрирует обучающимся технологию работы с разными идеями, точками зрения, с разными решениями и пути, способы выбора и обоснования итогового решения.

В конкретной реализации работа с обучающим кейсом может выглядеть так: учитель информатики задает практическую проблему, для решения которой необходимо уметь упорядочивать массивы информации (пример описан в части 1). Учитель рассказывает о трех самых известных способах упорядочивания информационных массивов и просит подумать о том, какой из способов наиболее подойдет для решения поставленной задачи. Учитель выслушивает мнения детей и начинает формировать итоговое решение, объясняя при этом разные критерии оценки эффективности предложенных вариантов, применяя эти критерии и подводя к нужному, наиболее эффективному способу упорядочивания.

После проведения 5-6 занятий в режиме обучающего кейса, можно перейти к работе в режиме аналитического кейса. В режиме данного подхода преподаватель по-прежнему сам задает проблему, сам предлагает 2-3 способа ее разрешения, ставит вопрос: какой же из способов правильный или более эффективный?, но выбрать итоговый вариант решения и обосновать его должны обучающиеся. Для этого они могут работать с подготовленным кейсом, в котором уже есть несколько готовых вариантов и дополнительные информационные источники.

Если вернуться к рассматриваемому примеру, то работа с аналитическим кейсом может быть организована так: учитель информатики задает практическую проблему, для решения которой необходимо уметь упорядочивать массивы информации. Учитель предлагает кейс, в котором предложены несколько способов упорядочивания и, например, статьи программистов, ученых о существующих критериях оценки эффективности алгоритмов упорядочивания информации. Обучающиеся должны познакомиться с предложенными информационными источниками и, опираясь на них, выбрать вариант и обосновать его. Затем учитель выслушивает мнения обучающихся и подводит итоги, показывая ошибки рассуждений или невнимательность при работе с кейсом, когда может быть упущена важная информация, и в результате не использована. А также удачные подходы при работе с кейсом.

После того, как освоены приемы деятельности в режиме аналитического кейса, можно переходить к использованию эвристических кейсов. Принципиальным отличием от первых двух рассмотренных кейсов является этап определения проблемы. Задача должна прозвучать так: некоторое малое торговое предприятие решило создать свою собственную информационную мини-систему для определения прибыльности от продажи тех или иных видов продукции с целью еженедельного анализа ситуации и изменения, при необходимости, объемов поставок. Для решения данной задачи приглашен программист, задачей которого было предложить способ решения проблемы. Далее педагог предлагает обучающимся кейс, состоящий из двух частей. В первой части кейса могут быть статьи по вопросам прибыльности продаж, необходимости анализа рыночной ситуации для корректировки объемов поставов, способов анализа. Работая с этими материалами, обучающиеся должны выйти на понимание необходимости упорядочивания информации и более точно сформулировать задачу. Затем предлагается вторая часть кейса, содержащая способы упорядочивания, статьи программистов, ученых о существующих критериях оценки эффективности алгоритмов упорядочивания информации.Обучающиеся знакомятся с предложенными информационными источниками и, опираясь на них, выбирают и обосновывают вариант решения. Учитель выслушивает мнения обучающихся и подводит итоги, показывая удачные моменты и ошибки при работе с кейсом.

Освоив деятельность в режиме эвристического кейса, можно переходить к кейсам исследовательским. Здесь преподаватель принципиально меняет подход в определении задачи-проблемы. Задача начинает звучать так: В информатике существуют алгоритмы упорядочивания информации. Как вы думаете, в каких сферах жизни такие алгоритмы используются или могут использоваться? Дается время на обсуждение в подгруппах. В итоге могут быть выдвинуты идеи о том, что упорядочивать информацию можно в списках работающих в отделе кадров, в списках лекарственных препаратов в аптечных агенствах, в списках городов России с ориентацией на количество населения и пр. Далее учитель говорит о том, что у него подготовлена информация для решения задачи по упорядочиванию видов продукции в зависимости от прибыльности. И если есть желающие поработать в данном направлении, он готов предоставить подготовленную информацию (часть 1 и часть 2 кейса). Те же, кто желает отработать другую задачу, должны часть информации найти сами (речь идет о части 1), но могут все же получить какую-то полезную для их работы информацию (часть 2 кейса универсально подойдет для любой задачи по упорядочиванию информации).

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the more complex the work with case studies is, the more study time is required for its implementation. So, for work in the mode of the training case one academic hour is enough. An analytical case will require at least two training hours. Heuristic case for at least three training hours. Accordingly, there is some difficulty in implementing heuristic cases in the mode of class-less organization of activities.

The appendix contains examples of lessons in the framework of various approaches of the case method based on the author's technology “Perspective”

Part 4. How should a teacher, practicing the case method, build their professional activities?

Developing and teaching case studies is an incredibly complex task, which demands high professionalism, pedagogical skills and erudition.

The case method acts as a teacher’s way of thinking, his particular paradigm, which allows him to think and act differently, to renew his creative potential. Here, the main problems are the broad democratization and modernization of the educational process. The teacher and the students here constantly interact, choose forms of behavior, collide with each other, motivate their actions, and argue them with moral norms.

The presence in the structure of the case-method of disputes, discussions, argumentation quite strongly trains the participants in the discussion, they teach compliance with the norms and rules of communication. Even more pressure is placed on the teacher, who must be quite emotional during the whole learning process, resolve and prevent conflicts, create an atmosphere of cooperation and competition at the same time. The emotional intensity with this method of training often reaches such a degree that the group resembles boiling plasma [1].

The peculiarity of the work of a teacher who practices the case method is that he not only realizes his abilities as much as possible, but also develops them. The main content of the activity of the teacher in the case-method mode includes the performance of several functions - training, educating, organizing and research. If in the ordinary professional activity these functions are often realized separately, then in the process of teaching cases their organic unity is observed.

The activity of the teacher when using the case method includes two phases. The first phase is a complex creative work to create a case and questions for its analysis. It is carried out outside the audience and includes research, methodological and design activities of the teacher.

However, a well-prepared case is not enough for effective training. To this end, it is necessary to further prepare methodological support, both for the independent work of students and for the upcoming lesson.

Preliminary analysis of the case and the search for an effective form of presentation of this analysis to the audience represents the most serious phase of preparation.

The second phase includes the activities of the teacher in the classroom, where he delivers opening and closing words, organizes small groups and discussion, supports the business attitude in the classroom, and evaluates the contribution of students to the analysis of the situation.

It is often advisable to meet several participants before the session before analyzing the case in the classroom to review data with them, compare analyzes and discuss strategies. Then it is possible to test and improve the choice of strategies, as well as explore and enrich the understanding of problems through the perception of other people [1].

Part 5. Benefits for students who can get a teacher practicing the case method.

The case method allows activating various factors: theoretical knowledge of a particular course, practical experience of the students, their ability to express their thoughts, ideas, suggestions, ability to listen to an alternative point of view, and to argue their own arguments.

With this method, trainers get the opportunity to show and improve analytical and evaluation skills, learn how to work in a team, put into practice theoretical material.

The use of this method is also necessary because it allows you to see the ambiguity of solving problems in real life, to be ready to relate the material studied to practice - this needs to be taught through active teaching methods, including cases in training courses.

It should be particularly noted that the undoubted advantage of the method is not only the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of practical skills, but also the development of a system of values ​​for students and life attitudes.

Summarizing the above, we consider a table of competencies that are developed in the case-method mode [2].


Their characteristic

Ability to make decisions

Ability to develop and adopt a model of specific actions.

Learning ability

Ability to seek new knowledge, mastering the skills and skills of self-organization

System thinking

Ability to comprehensively comprehend the situation, to conduct its system analysis

Independence and initiative

Ability to be active in situations of uncertainty

Ready for change and flexibility

The ability to quickly navigate in a changed situation, to adapt to new conditions

Ability to work with information

The ability to search for information, conduct its analysis, transfer it from one form of representation to another

Perseverance and dedication

The ability to defend their point of view, to overcome opposition from partners

Communication skills

The ability to defend their point of view, possession of the word, the ability to make contact

Interpersonal contact ability

Ability to listen and understand the interlocutor

Problem thinking

Ability to develop problem solving models

Thus, educational activity in the case-method mode is focused on:

  • Formation and development of information competence.
  • Development of skills in an orderly, structured way of thinking, focused on the ability to work with information.
  • Fostering a culture of exchange of views, free from aggressive assertiveness.
  • Formation of an understanding that there are situations when self-control is necessary to achieve a positive result, especially in situations of work in a group.

Information sources

  1. A special site dedicated to case studies using case studies. Created jointly by the American non-profit corporation Project Harmony Inc. and the Ukrainian non-profit organization Center for Innovation and Development, and contains a variety of resources that will be useful to teachers interested in using the case method in their training courses.
  2. Abstract review on the topic “Case-study method as a modern technology of vocational-oriented learning” prepared by a team of the Methodological Department of the educational process under the guidance of NN Komissarova using literary sources (textbooks, collections of articles, materials of periodicals), published in the open press in Russian, as well as intellectual resources of the Internet.
  3. F.-Y. Kaiser, H. Kaminsky, Methods of teaching economic disciplines (basics of the concept aimed at enhancing the learning process), Moscow, Vita Press, 2007, p. 182

The case method (eng. Case method , case method, case study, case study, case study method, situational analysis method) is a teaching technique that uses a description of real economic, social and business situations. Students should analyze the situation, understand the essence of the problems, propose possible solutions and choose the best of them. Cases are based on real factual material or are close to the real situation.


  • 1 History of the case method
  • 2 Case classification
    • 2.1 According to the structure [2]
    • 2.2 According to the form of presentation
    • 2.3 By size
    • 2.4 By difficulty level
    • 2.5 By disciplines
    • 2.6 By company type
    • 2.7 By region
  • 3 The essence of the case
  • 4 Case Method in Business
  • 5 Case movement in Russia
    • 5.1 History of the development of the Russian case movement
    • 5.2 Case Competitions
    • 5.3 Case Method in Teaching Science and Humanities
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 References

Case History

The method was first applied at Harvard Business School in 1924 [1] . Teachers at Harvard Business School quickly realized that there were no textbooks suitable for a postgraduate program in business. Their first solution to this problem was an interview with leading business practitioners and writing detailed reports about what these managers were doing, as well as about the factors affecting their activities. Listeners were given descriptions of a specific situation that a real organization faced in its activities in order to familiarize themselves with the problem and find a solution on their own and during the group discussion.

The case method is widely used in business education all over the world and continues to win new supporters. So, since the 50s of the twentieth century, business cases have been spreading in Western Europe. Europe's leading business schools INSEAD, LBS, HEC, LSE, ESADE are actively involved not only in teaching, but also in writing such cases.

Since the end of the 90s in Russia, transfer (western) cases have been used. The Russian company “Solution: educational video” at the end of the 90s released a new product - a gaming educational video case. In such a video session, a learning situation borrowed from the practice of Russian companies is played out by professional actors. The company declares that students have the opportunity to "be present" at the scene of the events, and the case preparation method prepared for teachers facilitates the conduct of classes. In recent years, there is an acute need to create new business cases based on the experience of Russian companies [ source not specified 903 days ] . Since the second half of the 2000s. interest in the case method is increasing - university case clubs appear (Case Club HSE, MIPT, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MGIMO, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after IM Gubkin, etc.) as well as activating companies involved in organizing and conducting case-championships and other events (Changellenge >>).

Since the beginning of the 2000s, case studies have been widely used in the foreign practice of teaching natural science and technical disciplines. For example, the Journal of Chemical Education regularly publishes relevant instructional materials. The practice of using cases in teaching various special disciplines — technological, tourist, and medical — has also been outlined in Russia [for 903 days ] .

Case classification

By structure [2]

  • Structured cases (highly structured case) - a short and accurate presentation of the situation with specific figures and data. For this type of case there is a certain number of correct answers. They are designed to assess knowledge and / or the ability to use one formula, skill, methodology in a particular field of knowledge.
  • Unstructured cases (unstructured cases). They are a material with a large amount of data and are designed to assess the style and speed of thinking, the ability to separate the most important from the minor and skills in a certain area. For them, there are several correct answers and usually the possibility of finding a non-standard solution is usually not excluded.
  • Groundbreaking cases can be both very short and long. Observing the decision of such a case makes it possible to see whether a person is capable of thinking outside the box, how many creative ideas he can give out in the allotted time. If a group decision passes, can he pick up someone else’s thought, develop it and use it in practice.

According to the form of presentation

  • Paper cases
  • Video Cases
  • Notts County 2.0

To size

  • Full cases (an average of 20-25 pages) are intended for teamwork over several days and usually imply teamwork for the presentation of your decision.
  • Compressed cases (3-5 pages) are intended for analysis directly in class and imply a general discussion.
  • Mini-cases (1-2 pages), like compressed cases, are designed for classroom analysis and are often used as an illustration of the theory taught in class. In many cases, a mini-case can be summarized briefly, in the form of one or two paragraphs, and provided with questions that need to be answered in the discussion.

By difficulty

  • Bachelor Cases
  • Master Cases
  • Cases for MBA and refresher courses

By disciplines

  • Accounting and control
  • Relationship of business and state
  • Competitive strategies
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Management
  • HR management
  • Information Systems Management
  • Marketing
  • Conversation
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behavior and Leadership
  • Service Management
  • Business and social responsibility
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

By company type

  • Cases of large regional business
  • Cases of small and medium business

By region

  • North American cases
  • European cases
  • Cases on developing countries and countries with economies in transition

The essence of the case

A business case is a specially prepared training material that reflects a specific problem business situation that requires management decisions from the company's management. In the process of classes the teacher guides the students in the search for such solutions. According to Jamie Anderson, a professor of strategic management at TiasNimbas Business School, the Netherlands, the success of a business case depends on three criteria: [3]

  1. A sufficient amount of primary and statistical data;
  2. The participation of the top manager of the company in the process of writing a case;
  3. The presence of an exciting business situation that allows you to apply a variety of analysis methods when searching for solutions.

In accordance with the research conducted by ECCH, a non-profit organization specializing in the development and development of a case method in business education, case studies based on field studies are the most popular among teachers and students (unlike case studies based on published data). Traditionally, a business case is written in partnership with academic faculty and company managers.

Currently, business cases written by North American companies are most common, since this is where the culture of situational analysis originated [ source not specified 903 days ] . However, from the end of the 90s, professors of European schools began to take an active role in writing case studies, feeling a lack of national illustrations for business tasks. Thanks to transnational relations, Asian schools are also actively involved in this process. For example, INSEAD, a European business school based in France and Singapore, is a recognized leader in writing business cases on international markets. In 2008, INSEAD won in seven of nine categories [4] ECCH European Case Award.

Case method in business

International companies make a great contribution to the development of the practice of solving business cases as an educational process.

First of all, these are consulting and auditing companies that use the business case method in interviews for hiring. Such a method makes it possible at an early stage to reveal the ability of candidates for analysis and synthesis, the ability to express their thoughts clearly and structuredly. The corporate case-championship is often used as an initial stage of selection. For example, Microsoft holds the annual Microsoft Case Competition, which brings together the best student teams from all over Russia. Other popular case-championships:

  • McKinsey Business Case Competition;
  • KPMG International Case Competition;
  • Danone Trust from Danone;
  • Impact, Roland Berger;
  • L'Oréal e-Strat.

Case movement in Russia

The history of the Russian case-movement

The practice of solving business cases goes to Russia from the West along with the first managers who have received an MBA abroad, as well as students from leading universities in the country who are practicing exchange internship programs. In this regard, the birth of the case movement in Russia begins with students, and not with educational institutions [ source not specified 903 days ] .

In the early 2000s, the first student case clubs were created in Moscow universities: since 2004, the HSE Case Club began to function, in 2006 the A-club began to work at MGIMO (U), and a year later another case study was created Club Progress in RUDN.

In order to popularize case studies among students, in 2007, MGIMO and HSE students, led by Andrei Alyasov, set up a MindWrestling business case championship (in 2010, this case championship was renamed Changellenge >>). Since then, there have been several championships in the following areas:

Changellenge Cup Russia is the largest championship in Russia.

Changellenge Cup Moscow - a championship for Moscow students.

Changellenge Cup Technical - a championship for technical students.

At the same time, the practice of testing with the help of business cases in hiring Western companies operating in the Russian market is becoming widespread. International business lacks internship-oriented young professionals, and therefore supports this project.

Further development of the case movement leads to the emergence of new case clubs, the most famous of which are based in Moscow universities: Case Club HSE (HSE), Case Club MGTU. N. E. Bauman, Casy Club (MIPT), MESI Consulting Club (MESI), Management Consulting club (Financial University), Plekhanov Case Club (REU them. G. Plekhanov), NES Case Club (NES), Open Case Club (MGU), MGIMO Business Club (MGIMO), Garnet Case Club (GUU), MIET Case Club (MIET). In addition, case clubs appear in other Russian cities: St. Petersburg (Case Club HSE SPb branch of the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Case Club of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University, Changellenge Case Club SPb), Ufa (Insight Club based on BashGAU), Kazan (SLK Case Club).

Case studies

Since 2007, the first All-Russian MindWrestling Case Championship has been held (since 2010 under the name Changellenge >> Cup Russia). Partners are the companies Grant Thornton and Ernst & Young. In 2008-2009, about 30 international companies become sponsors of the championship, 3,500 students from 15 cities of Russia take part in the championship. In 2011, the championship was held separately in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan, and the all-Russian stage was held (2,568 participants) [5] .

Since 2011, the Higher School of Economics Business Incubator has been holding the Open Iron Casebook Championship. Business games are held in more than 50 cities of Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Participants during the game are offered a case that contains a story about the new technology and the possibility of its application. During the hour of the game, they should come up with a new product based on this technology, work out a business model and present their project.

In 2011, the Changellenge >> championships are being transformed into the National Case League, in which about 10,000 students participate annually. The League includes the Cups of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kaluga and Tolyatti. Separate championships are held in each city; the winners are going to the All-Russian Championship Changellenge >> Cup Russia in Moscow.

Also in 2011, Microsoft Case Competition is organized for the first time. Its feature is the focus on cases in the IT field; at the same time, within the framework of the championship there is a section for IT specialists and for students without IT education.

Since 2011, FutureToday has been playing the FutureToday case cup. Since 2012, the Cup has been played at the federal level, and the number of participants has reached 4,210 people [6] . Sponsors are several foreign companies, in addition candidates are tested by SHL.

In 2012, Changellenge >> also launches the first IT and engineering case championship - Cup Technical. It is attended by 1,500 students of technical specialties throughout Russia.

In 2013, the Sanofi Marketing Challenge was held for the first time as part of the National League of Case Changellenge. Participants become brand managers and create a concept for one of Sanofi products. Also this year, in the framework of the League, the Youth Russian Petroleum & Gas Challenge is being organized - a case-championship in the oil and gas sector.

The idea of ​​a case movement is supported and developed by many Russian businessmen - the creators of the Russian business school Skolkovo Ruben Vardanyan, Roman Abramovich, Mikhail Kusnirovich, and others. The Moscow School of Management Skolkovo is working on preparing and writing the first series of business cases on real materials of Russian companies [ source not specified 903 days ] .

Case method in teaching science and humanities

In recent years, there has been a tendency in Russia to use the case method not only in business education, but also in subject teaching, including natural and humanitarian disciplines. The new Federal State Educational Standards (GEF) provide for the wide use of active, including situational teaching methods (case method). In 2012, A. M. Derkach defended at the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen is Russia's first dissertation on the use of the case method in chemical education. He proposed a methodology for compiling case studies in organic chemistry for use in training food industry technologists on the basis of the principles of the leading role of theory, efficiency, and consistency, partly borrowed from works on praxeology. [7]

Под кейс-методом в цитируемой работе понимается активный метод обучения, основанный на организации преподавателем в группе студентов обсуждения задания, представляющего собой описание конкретной ситуации с явной или скрытой проблемой. Источником кейсов, по А. М. Деркачу, могут являться ситуации, описанные в специальной литературе, разборы неисправностей и методов их устранения, публикующиеся в профессиональных изданиях и др. Использование кейс-метода ставит целью включение в учебный процесс элементов профессиональной деятельности, обеспечивать переход от учебных ситуаций к профессиональным, где для решения проблемы требовалось бы использование знаний и соответствующих компетенций, формируемых при обучении органической химии. При этом структура кейсов должна быть однотипной, учитывая доказанную психолого-педагогическими исследованиями возможность обучения разбору ситуаций.

Для достижения целей предметного обучения в системах общего, начального и среднего профессионального образования наиболее пригодны мини-кейсы, используемые в сочетании с другими методами и технологиями обучения. Общие требования к кейсам, используемым в обучении органической химии, заключаются в: 1. Правдоподобности описания ситуации; 2. Полноте фактов, достаточной для понимания ситуации; 3. Минимальности описания ситуации, отсутствии избыточных сведений и подсказок. [eight]


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