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Pedagogical process - moving forward, changing, one of the categories of pedagogy. The pedagogical process is a directed and organized interaction between an educator and children, realizing the goals of pre-school education. This is an integral dynamic system, the system-forming factor of which is the interaction of the caregiver and the children. In the process of this interaction, the upbringing, training and development of each child takes place. In the pedagogical process, the tasks of upbringing, training and developing a child are always solved comprehensively in all the activities organized by the teacher (play, learning, communication, productive activities, creative activities).

The structural components of the pedagogical process are: target (definition of goals and objectives of preschool education); content (content of educational and educational work with children, which is set out in the "Program of education of children in kindergarten"); activity (activities through which tasks are solved, the selected methods and means); evaluative and effective (analysis of the teacher’s work on the effectiveness of the pedagogical process).

Patterns of the pedagogical process are objectively existing, repetitive, stable, essential connections between phenomena, individual aspects of the pedagogical process. We can distinguish the following patterns of the pedagogical process in preschool:

- the connection between upbringing and the social system, since upbringing is determined by the needs of society, the economy, and national identity, proceeds under concrete historical conditions;

- the relationship between training and education, the interdependence of these processes, their diverse interaction and unity;

- the connection of upbringing and activity, the upbringing and development of a child is always carried out in the process of organizing a variety of activities by a teacher;

- the connection of upbringing and personality activity, since only in an active activity, where the child is its subject, does all mental processes develop and the main personality traits of a future citizen are developed, the process of self-development and self-realization is carried out;

- communication of upbringing and communication, that is, upbringing of a child always takes place in interaction with an adult, as well as in the process of communication with peers, where a wealth of interpersonal ties is formed.

The pedagogical process in preschool has its own characteristics; it is built on the basis of activities that correspond to the features of preschool childhood. The specificity of the pedagogical process in pre-school is determined by the inclusion of an adult in the implementation of developmental tasks. As a basis for identifying the structural components of the pedagogical process N.Ya. Mikhaylenko and N.A. Korotkova proposes types of interaction between an adult and children, which are determined in relation to children and determine the measure of inclusion of a teacher in children's activities. First, this is the position of the “teacher”, which sets the goals and objectives of education for children (the position “above”); secondly, this is the position of an “equal” partner involved in activities on an equal basis with children, where the teacher helps children in mastering various ways of activity. Thirdly, this is the position of the “creator” of the developing object-spatial environment, where an adult, not directly involved in the process of activity, initiates the child’s activity by organizing the environment, giving children the opportunity to act freely and independently based on their desires, needs and interests.

In accordance with this, the pedagogical process in pre-school has a three-pronged structure, i.e. conditionally divided into three blocks: - specially organized training in the form of classes;

- joint activities of an adult and children, built in a relaxed and non-binding form;

- independent activity, where the child is free in the choice of self-valued activities for him.

1. The block of specially organized training in the form of classes, where the teacher takes a position “above” the child, includes goals, program tasks, special methods, methods and means of training, special tasks for children that meet the logic of development of certain abilities (sensory, thinking, speech, etc.) Here, in order to prepare children for school, the teacher forms in children elements of learning activities.

2. The block of joint activities, where the teacher takes the position of “equal partner”, initiates various types of children's activities (organizes games, designing, graphic, work activities, introduces children to art). It includes various forms of activity: reading books, talking with children, listening to music, viewing illustrations and reproductions, plot games, drawing, modeling, designing, elementary work, excursions, physical exercises and outdoor games, etc.

3. The block of free independent activity, where the educator takes the position of “creator of the environment”. It assumes the child's free choice of activities that meet his inclinations, needs and interests, providing the possibility of the child’s self-development.

Each of these blocks should take its place in the pedagogical process, without being absorbed by others, since each of them has special significance for the most effective solution of various tasks of development and upbringing of the child.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics