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The term "culture" in translation from Latin means "cultivation", "cultivation". In relation to a person, this is cultivation, the formation of his image. In the process of education, a person masters various cultural values ​​(historical heritage of art, architecture, etc.). In this case, culture is a prerequisite and the result of having formed a person.

Education, being a sociocultural phenomenon, performs the following functions.

1. Education is one of the optimal and intensive ways for a person to enter the world of science and culture.

The content of education is drawn and continuously replenished cultural heritage of various countries and peoples, from different sectors of the constantly developing science, as well as from the life and practice of man. The educational environment, formed in school or in high school, affects the choice of communication rules and ways of human behavior in a social group. This choice determines the style of communication and style of behavior that will later manifest itself in the interpersonal and business contacts of an adult.

2. Education as a practice of human socialization and continuity of generations.

In different sociopolitical conditions (especially in the period of reforms), education acts as a stabilizing factor between new social ideas and the ideals of previous generations, embodied in the historical tradition. The social function of education, on the one hand, is characterized as the preparation of a generation for independent living, and on the other hand, it lays the foundations of the future society and forms the image of a new person. Education as a practice of human socialization includes: the formation of a lifestyle adopted in society; human development of various forms of life (educational, work, professional, cultural, leisure, family and household); as well as the development of human spiritual potential for creation and creativity. Therefore, for each socio-economic structure and cultural-historical development of society and the state is characterized by its own education system, and for the people, the nation - the education system. So, in Russia, upbringing evolved as a “world upbringing”. That is why in Russia public opinion has often been used to educate people. Therefore, the theory of education in the team and through the team of A. S. Makarenko summed up a peculiar summary of the existing tradition. At the same time, there are common features in international pedagogical systems that lay the foundation for their integration into the world educational space. For example, the European civilization is characterized by the rational logic of education and training at school and in high school.

3. Education is a mechanism for the formation of social and spiritual life of a person and a branch of mass spiritual production.

Higher samples of the social and cultural activities of a person of a certain epoch are concentrated in educational institutions. Society is interested in the production of educated citizens, this is the social value of education for any state. At the same time, education has a humanistic value, which lies in the possibility of developing the cognitive and spiritual needs of each person. Thus, in the education system there is an accumulation and development of the intellectual and spiritual and moral potential of the country.

4. Education as a process of translation of culturally shaped patterns of human activity

In the process of training and education, a person masters sociocultural norms of cultural and historical importance. As a result, the norms of moral and moral behavior of a person in a social group, at work, in public places, as well as the rules of communication, interpersonal and business contacts are mastered. Therefore, the meaning of education lies not only in the transfer of social experience by the older generation, but also in the reproduction of established forms of social life in the cultural space. In this regard, the dependence of the development of individual countries on the level and quality of education, culture and qualifications of their citizens is becoming more and more apparent.

5. Education as a function of the development of regional systems and national traditions.

The specific development of individual regions determines the nature of education in them. The regional educational systems should take into account the educational needs of various socio-cultural groups of the population. In this regard, the content of the regional component of the state educational standard will have its own specifics for different regions of the country. For example, for the schools of Khakassia, the discipline “History and Culture of Khakassia” is included in the regional component, and for the schools of St. Petersburg - the History and Culture of St. Petersburg.

6. Education as an active accelerator of cultural changes and transformations in public life and in a particular person.

Education contributes to the most rapid development of society, and also creates conditions for the self-development of a person’s creative individuality and the unfolding of its spiritual potential. Thanks to education, a person becomes capable of self-realization, the manifestation of his individuality and the transformation of the environment. This is the manifestation of the humanistic function of education.

The implementation of the selected socio-cultural functions of education is manifested in the activities of historically established educational systems.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics