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Speech development


Speech development techniques.

The development of human speech occurs throughout his life. Even from infancy, we react to communication with adults, trying to catch the interlocutor's emotions, “ghouk” and akay trying to maintain dialogue. All stages of the development of a child’s speech are fundamental building blocks for the basis of a person’s correct speech. However, the correction of defects and the formulation of correct speech is also possible in adulthood.

for successful communication and achievement of our goals, we just need to be able to properly teach information

Now we live in the period of the information age, when the basis of all values ​​and knowledge is information. For successful career growth, for successful communication and achievement of our goals, we just need to be able to correctly teach the information that our interlocutor wants to hear from us. And this, in turn, is very difficult to do without the right speech.

But before you run and read smart books to replenish your vocabulary or study the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, let's see what our oral speech consists of, to know exactly what needs to be developed in ourselves to improve it.

Oral speech is not just a set of sentences, made according to the rules of syntax and punctuation spoken aloud.

Oral speech is a form of speech activity consisting of:

1) What we say

2) As we speak

The second component in turn includes:

1) Voice timbre - sound color voice

2) Voice tone

3) The correctness of the pronunciation of words - diction

4) Speech rate

The mistake of most people is that they consider the main thing in the right speech to be what we say. In fact, "What we say" - there is only 10% of the information that comes to the interlocutor. And if you want to improve your communication skills, you first need to focus on exactly “how we speak”, and only then develop the first aspect of speech activity.

It is the second component of speech: the setting of the voice, the setting of the breath, the work with diction - the materials of this site will be devoted. Only after mastering the correct voice techniques, further work on speech techniques is possible.

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Часть 1 Speech development

See also

created: 2014-09-25
updated: 2024-11-14

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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction