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2.2. Organizational forms of education


For training university students use a variety of forms of classes: lectures, seminars, laboratory work, course and diploma projects, educational and industrial practices, work in the workplace and engineering and technical positions during training in the factory-university system, consultations, tests and exams (Table .one). Didactics interprets these forms as ways of managing students' cognitive activity for solving certain learning tasks. Lecture, practical and other types of classes, in addition, serve to implement the interaction of students and teachers.

Table 1. Forms of organization of the educational process

Forms of study

Forms of control

Directed mainly

On theoretical training

Directed mainly

for practical training



  • Lecture

  • Seminar

  • Laboratory work

  • Supervised independent work

  • Self extracurricular work

  • The conference

  • Consultation

  • practical


  • course design

  • all practices

  • business game

  • test

  • individual interview

  • collocquim

  • offset

  • translation and semester exams

  • defense of the course project

  • state exams

  • graduation project defense

  • testing

  • rating

  • comprehensive exam in the specialty

G. Lichtenberg wrote: “A man cannot be taught anything. He has to learn everything himself. ” Indeed, you can not teach, but you can learn to help. This is evidenced by the whole experience of human history. How to do it best? We cannot recall all existing and existing pedagogical systems. However, it should be noted two extreme points of view. According to one, the lecture is the basis of the pedagogical process. Here the transfer of knowledge goes “from the mind to the mind,” without intermediaries. You can directly, in the lecture process, adjust the presentation depending on the contact with the audience. The material is modern. Answers to unclear questions can be obtained on the spot. And most importantly: the lecturer, if he is a master of his craft, not only teaches, but also educates. He brings up not only information, but also his behavior, answers to questions, even mistakes and the style of their correction. According to the second, extreme, point of view, the basis of training is the student’s independent work with textbooks, exercises, in laboratories.

How to be? Unfortunately, pedagogy is not yet one of the exact sciences, where the correct answer can often be calculated by the formula. In pedagogy, a pure experiment is extremely difficult. The reasons for this are clear: the learning outcome manifests itself with a great delay; the conditions in which the result of training is manifested are quite different for different students; the trainees themselves are individual in their qualities.

You can, however, suggest two ways of approaching the truth. (Their reliability is confirmed by the fact that both give the same answer.) First: to find out the opinion of teachers who have extensive pedagogical experience. Second, take into account the eternal proverb that truth always lies in the middle.

It is logically established that the best way to transfer knowledge is to learn through the lecture process, combined with the acquisition of skills through independent and difficult exercises. In this exercise should be understood in the broadest sense: from the independent study of the theory of literary sources through the solution of practical training problems to independent creativity.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)