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1.2. Education in a holistic structure of the educational process


Education as a pedagogical phenomenon is an integral part of the holistic educational process as an activity in which the system of knowledge of basic sciences and their respective skills and skills is mastered, the foundations of worldview are laid, cognitive forces, creative abilities and emotional-volitional sphere of the personality are developed, moral qualities are formed and habits of behavior.

In an integral structure of the educational process, two interrelated and at the same time relatively independent processes closely interact: 1) learning is a purposeful, specially organized activity aimed at transferring (teaching) to the younger generations (mastering) knowledge and forming skills on this basis and skills, development of cognitive and creative abilities; 2) education - purposeful, specially organized activity, designed to form in the younger generation a system of personal qualities based on the development of the norms and rules of behavior adopted in society.

The interrelation of the processes of training and education in the integral structure of the educational process is expressed in several aspects.

1. Both of these processes take place within the framework of one educational institution (kindergarten, school, gymnasium, college, vocational school, university, institution of additional education, etc.), are carried out by the same person (teacher) and are aimed at achieving a common goal - training personality to active life in society.

2. Upbringing always contains elements of learning, since, transferring to the individual knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior (moral education), achievements of human culture (aesthetic education), diversity of professional activities (labor education), etc., forming behavioral skills in specific life situations, the teacher simultaneously trains the individual.

3. In the course of the learning process aimed at the development of scientific knowledge, there is always an educational aspect (it is not without reason that an educational goal is planned as part of any form of education), realized through the content of educational material, the method of its presentation, the nature of the pedagogical interaction of the teacher and students.

Training and education are independent processes, each of which has its own specifics in the integral structure of the educational process. The purpose of the learning process is the transfer of knowledge and skills, that is, the formation of the intellectual culture of the individual; the goal of the educational process is the development of norms of behavior, i.e. the formation of a person’s behavioral culture. The learning process is strictly regulated, since it has clear time limits (academic year, quarter, school day, lesson), is carried out on the basis of mandatory curricula, its results are measured on the basis of a clear norm of assessments; the process of education does not have a clear regulation, is chaotic in many respects, is not limited in time, does not have specific qualitative and quantitative indicators. Although the processes of training and education operate with a general conceptual apparatus (goals, content, principles, methods, forms, means), the specific content of these categories in the theory of training and theory of education is different.

The educational process has a number of features that determine its essence, specificity and nature of the course.

1. Education is a purposeful process. This is manifested in the fact that the main guideline in the work of the teacher is the social order as a set of moral norms adopted in society. Education becomes effective when the teacher specifically emphasizes his goal, which reflects the student’s personality model. The greatest efficiency is achieved in the case when the goal of education is known and understood by the pupil, when he agrees with her, accepts it and in the process of self-education relies on the same guidelines.

2. Education is a multifactorial process, as in its implementation the teacher must take into account many objective and subjective factors that complicate the educational process or contribute to the success of its course. Among the objective factors affecting the process of education, one should consider various aspects of public life (economy, politics, culture, ideology, morality, law, religion, etc.); among the subjective factors are the social environment in which the personality is brought up (the influence of family, school, friends, significant personalities), as well as the individual and personal characteristics of the pupil.

3. Education is a subjective process, which is expressed in an ambiguous assessment of its results. This is explained by the fact that the results of education do not have a clear quantitative expression; therefore, it is impossible to say exactly which student has been educated perfectly and which one is unsatisfactory. Because of this, it is difficult to determine which educational process can be considered qualitative, effectively affecting the personality of the pupil, and which one is a “show-off”, is conducted “for show” and does not bring the desired result. The subjective nature of education is largely determined by the personality of the teacher, his pedagogical skills, character traits, personal qualities, values, the presence or absence of talents, abilities, hobbies.

4. Education is a process characterized by the remoteness of results from the moment of direct educational influence. This is due to the fact that education is designed to have a deep, complex impact on the person (consciousness, behavior, emotions and feelings). In order for the pupil to realize exactly what the teacher is trying to achieve, he adequately reacted to the educational impact and made the right conclusions for himself, time is needed. Sometimes it takes years.

5. Upbringing is a continuous process, since a person cannot be brought up “from time to time”. Separate educational activities, no matter how bright they may be, are not capable of greatly influencing the behavior of an individual. For this, a system of regular pedagogical influences is needed, including constant contact between the teacher and the pupils. If the process of upbringing is irregular, the caregiver constantly has to re-consolidate what has already been mastered by the student, and then was forgotten. At the same time, the teacher cannot deepen and develop his influence, develop new stable habits with the pupil.

6. Education is a complex process, which is expressed in the unity of its goals, objectives, content, forms and methods, in the subordination of the entire educational process to the idea of ​​a holistic personality formation, in which the high development of consciousness, behavior and feelings is harmoniously represented. This means that a person cannot be formed “in parts” either by paying attention only to the formation of consciousness, or by emphasizing the development of norms and rules of behavior, or by forming emotions and feelings.

7. Education is a two - way process, since it goes in two directions: from the teacher to the student (direct link) and from the student to the teacher (feedback). The management of the process is based mainly on feedbacks, that is, on the information that comes to the teacher from the students. The more information about the features, abilities, inclinations, advantages and disadvantages of the pupil is available to the educator, the more expedient and effective it is in the educational process.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work