The method of converting continuous signals into a set of uncorrelated coefficients was developed by Karhunen [27] and Loeev [28]. As indicated in [30], Hotelling [29] first proposed a method for converting discrete signals into a set of uncorrelated coefficients. However, in most works on digital signal processing, both discrete and continuous transformations are called the Karhunen-Loeve transform or decomposition into eigenvectors.
In the general case, the Karhunen-Loeva transform is described by the relation
core which satisfies the equation
Where - the covariance function of the sampled image, and
with fixed
is constant. Functions
are eigenfunctions of the covariance function, and
- her own values. As a rule, it is not possible to express eigenfunctions explicitly.
If the covariance function can be divided, i.e.
then the Karunen-Loeva decomposition core is also separable and
. (10.8.4)
The rows and columns of the matrices describing these kernels satisfy the following equations:
, (10.8.5)
. (10.8.6)
In the particular case when the covariance matrix describes a first-order separable Markov process, it is possible to write eigenfunctions in explicit form. For a one-dimensional Markov process with a correlation coefficient Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues have the form [3]
, (10.8.8)
Where a
- roots of the transcendental equation
. (10.8.9)
The eigenvectors can also be found from the recurrence formulas [32]
, (10.8.10a)
, (10.8.10b)
putting as initial condition and then normalizing the resulting eigenvectors.
If the original and transformed images are presented in vector form, then a pair of Karhunen-Loeve transformations will have the form
. (10.8.12)
Transformation matrix satisfies the equation
Where - vector covariance matrix
- matrix whose rows are eigenvectors of the matrix
- diagonal matrix of the form
. (10.8.14)
If the matrix separable then
and matrix and
satisfy the following conditions:
but at
In fig. 10.8.1 shows the graphs of basis functions of the Karhunen-Loeve transform of a one-dimensional Markov process, for which the correlation coefficients of neighboring elements .
Fig. 10.8.1. The basic functions of the transformation of the Karunen-Loeva with .
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Digital image processing
Terms: Digital image processing