Incompatibility of the system of equations means that for none of the possible assessments
the system will not go over into identity with the substitution
. In such cases, the system of equations can be converted to
Where - error vector depending on
. We now find the value of the estimate.
at which the value of the error is minimal, expressed by two equivalent ratios:
Let the symbol denotes a pseudoinverse matrix, which is used to estimate
Adding and removing work inside both brackets of the relation (8.6.2а), we get
After multiplying we have
Two cross terms will be zero if and
. However, under these conditions, the matrix
is the least squares inversion matrix, i.e.
. Then the error will be equal to the sum of two positive terms:
The second term of equality (8.6.6) turns into zero, since . Therefore, the error is reduced to
or, which is the same,
As expected, the error is zero if .
The solution obtained by least-squares pseudo-inversion may not be the only one. If at pseudo-reversal to enter additional conditions and
for which the matrix
is a generalized inverse (i.e.
), it can be shown that the estimate obtained using this matrix (
), is a solution with a minimum rate in the sense that
Where - arbitrary estimate, found by the method of least squares. If the generalized inverse matrix
has rank
and satisfies the definition (8.3.5), then the product
not necessarily equal to the identity matrix, but the error can be found from relations (8.6.7). If the matrix
has rank
, i.e. corresponds to the definition (8.3.6), then
the error is zero.
The following chapters will show how these theoretical assumptions are applied to correct, analyze, and encode images.
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