The singular transformation [34] is a two-dimensional unitary transformation based on the singular decomposition of matrices (see Chapter 5). A direct singular transformation is by definition equal to
, (10.9.1)
and the inverse transform
. (10.9.2)
String Conversion Matrix provides a diagonalization operation
, (10.9.3)
Where - diagonal matrix, elements which are eigenvalues of the matrix . Similarly
. (10.9.4)
Substituting expression (10.9.2) into equalities (10.9.3) and (10.9.4), we get
, (10.9.5)
where elements of the diagonal matrix are numbers called the singular values of the matrix and equal to the square root of the corresponding eigenvalues .
The image matrix can be written in a very compact form using the matrix product of vectors obtained by singular decomposition. According to equality (10.1.14b),
, (10.9.6)
Where and are vectors consisting of elements columns of matrices and .
Using a singular transformation, the image matrix containing items can be fully described values representing coefficients . However, it should be noted that the specific values of the elements of the transformation matrices in rows and columns in this case depend on the image elements.
In fig. 10.9.1 shows an example of a singular transformation of the image. Shown here are works and as well as the corresponding transformation matrices in rows and by columns . The singular values of the image in question are shown in Fig. 10.9.2. In fig. 10.9.3 shows several matrix products .
Fig. 10.9.1. Singular transformation of the image "Portrait". All arrays from elements are derived from size arrays element by means of bilinear interpolation.
and - the initial image, a matrix ; b - the result of a singular transformation matrix ; in - matrix ; g - matrix ; d - the matrix consisting of the modules of the elements of the matrix ; е - the matrix consisting of the modules of the elements of the matrix .
Fig. 10.9.2. Singular values of the image "Portrait".
Fig. 10.9.3. Basic images for the image "Portrait".
Figures a, b, c, d, d, e correspond , , , , , .
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Digital image processing
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