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At the output of the imaging systems, a photograph or image is usually created on the screen that is viewed by a person. Therefore, it is obvious that for the effective development of such systems it is very useful to understand the mechanism of human vision. Knowing this mechanism, it is possible to build functional models of the visual system. Such models are very important in the development of image processing systems and the creation of criteria for fidelity and image decoding.


1. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, G. and C. Merriam Co., The Riverside Press, 1960.

2. Malitson HH, The Solar Energy Spectrum, Sry and Telescope, 29, 4, 162 - 165 (March 1965).

3. Munsell Book of Color, Munsell Color Co., 2441 North Calvert St., Baltimore, Maryland.

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25. Pearson, D. E., A Realistic Model for Visual Communication Systems, Proc. IEEE, 55, 3, 380-389 (March 1967). [There is a translation: Pearson, the realistic model of the image transmission system. - TIIER, 1967, t. 55, No. 3.1

26. Davidson, L. L., Perturbation Approach to Spatial Brightness Interaction in Human Vision, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 58, 9, 1300-1308 (September 1968).

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31. Newton I., Optiks, 4th ed., 1730; Dover Publications, New York, 1952. [Available translation: Newton I., Optics. - M .: Science, 1954.]

32. Young T., Philosophical Transactions, 92, 1802, 12–48.

33. Maxwell, J.S., Scientific Papers of Clerk Maxwell, Neven, WD, Ed., Dover Publications, New York, 1965.

34. Frei W., A New Model of Color Vision and Some Practical Limitations, University of Southern California, Image Processing Institute, USCEE Report 530, March 1974, pp. 128-143.

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37. Van der Horst CJC, de Weert, S.M., Bouman MA, Transfer of Spatial Chromaticity - Contrast at Threshold in the Human Eye, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 57, No. 10, 1260-1266 (October 1967).

38. von Kries J., Die Gesichtsempfindungen, Nagel's Handbuch d. Physiology d. Menchen, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 211.

39. Digital Film Images, RDA, University of California. 570, June 1975


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