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3.2.2 Indirect Impact Factors


These factors relate to the overall environment of the organization and do not have such an impact on its operations as a group of previous factors. However, the indirect impact environment is usually more complicated than the direct impact environment. Therefore, when her study is usually based primarily on forecasts.

  1. Economic environment. It is characterized primarily by the level of development and the state of the economy. The state of the economy affects the cost of resources and the demand of goods and services. In terms of inflation, firms are interested in increasing inventories of material resources, payment delays, including wages * , and increasing loans. The economic downturn forces organizations to reduce stocks of finished products, reduce the number of employees and significantly limit or even refuse to expand production. The economic environment is influenced by the political environment.

  2. Political environment. The methods and goals of managing the country's economy are the result of the political goals and objectives of the government in power. Political stability is also of great importance. Laws enacted by Parliament are often the result of the political situation and the pressure of lobbyists, which reflect relevant trends in the social and cultural spheres.

  3. Technological environment. Technology is both an external factor of the organization and its internal variable. As an external factor, it reflects the level of scientific and technological development, which affects the organization, for example, in the fields of automation, information, etc. To maintain competitiveness, each organization has to use the achievements of scientific and technological progress, at least those on which efficiency depends its activities.

  4. Socio-cultural environment. Socio-cultural factors influence the formation of population demand, labor relations, the level of wages * and working conditions. These factors include the demographic state of society. The organization’s relations with the local population where it operates are also important. In this connection, independent mass media are also singled out as a factor in the socio-cultural environment, which can shape the image of the company and its products and services.

  5. The international environment. Of course, these factors affect primarily organizations operating in the international market, but many of them can have not only an indirect, but also a direct impact on organizations operating only on the world market.


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