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3.0 Modern system of views on management


The systems approach in management theory is: a focus on the integrity of the organization’s structure; interchangeability of parts of the organization working for the same purpose; orientation of management to the final results of the company in a rapidly changing external environment.

The situational approach is the orientation of management within an organization to a set of variables of an impact that characterize a particular situation. The situation is changing - the methods of management and the behavior of the decision maker are changing.

Cybernetics - the science of the general laws in the processes of control, carried out in living beings, machines and their complexes. Management adopts the following laws and principles from cybernetics: necessary diversity, external addition, feedback, decision making, decomposition, as well as control hierarchy * and automatic control (self-regulation).

The key points of the modern system of views on management are the following principal points:

  1. Applying a systematic approach to management
  2. Application of situational management approach
  3. Cybernetic approach
  4. Innovation, integration, internationalization.
  5. Recognition of social responsibility of management to the person and society.


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Terms: Management