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1.3 Main management categories


Management categories * are the most general and fundamental concepts, reflecting essential universal properties and stable relations (connections * ) in the processes and structure of the organization's management. The main categories of management include:

  • concept and essence of management (. § 1.1.1.);
  • types of management * ;
  • objects and subjects of management * ;
  • management functions * ;
  • management hierarchy * ;
  • organizational structure * and management scheme;
  • management principles * ;
  • management methods * ;
  • leadership style * .

Types of management * . Types of management - special areas of management activities related to the solution of certain tasks of management.

Depending on the functional affiliation - a specific field of activity of the organization or its units - management is divided into the following types:

  • strategic management;
  • innovation management;
  • personal management;
  • supply management;
  • production management;
  • marketing management;
  • quality management;
  • financial management * ;
  • international Management;
  • environmental management.

The complexity and diversity of management allows, according to specialists, to allocate up to 80 varieties of management. Let us consider the most important and significant types of management, primarily determined by the influence of the external environment, which is especially important in connection with the transformations taking place in Russia.

In connection with the privatization and division of property between the center and places, the constitutional delimitation of the competence of the bodies of the Federation and its subjects, there is an internal differentiation of the concept of "government", filling it with new content. If earlier it included such types as sectoral, territorial and regional management, distinguished according to the relevant features of the object and subject of management, as well as functional program management, now the concept of federal management appears, that is, implemented in relation to objects of federal ownership, local management (self-government) and municipal management .

There is a formation of private entrepreneurial management , performed by the individual owner. In the event that an entrepreneur (owner) entrusts the management to a specially invited manager * , private management is transformed into professional management.

Situational management focuses not on finding the best course of action or the optimal solution, but on finding or choosing an acceptable option, based on the prevailing circumstances. It requires extensive decentralization and cannot be implemented under conditions of brutal centralization.

Operational management is an activity focused on the solution of current issues that require immediate solutions.

Preventive (preventive) management consists in advance preparation for possible and expected events with an assessment of the probability of their occurrence and the consequences of inaction.

Competitive management is an activity related to the execution of the insolvency opinion of the debtor, is mandatory.

Adaptive management * is characterized by the ability of the control system to respond to changes in the external environment, it involves the continuity of planning, forecast estimates, taking into account uncertainty, etc.

There are also external management and internal management, democratic management * (conciliatory on the basis of consensus and voting on the basis of the subordination of the minority to the majority) and compulsory management .

The concept of trust management is generated by the concept of trust property - personal or state property, which is entrusted to other individuals or legal entities. Unlike compulsory competitive management, trust management does not allow the transfer of property to a trust without an agreement of the labor collective, even if more than 50% of the property of the enterprise being joint-stock remains state-owned. In some commodity-producing industries in Russia, trust companies have already been established that operate on the basis of trust management.

There are also scientific management and empirical management . The first is based on the recommendations developed by science, and the second is based on experience, common sense.

Allocate more selective management , ie, management activities focused on the allocation of priority objects (areas) for the purpose of resource and other support. In relation to them, such methods as delegation of additional powers, target financing, grants, credit and tax benefits, subsidies, subventions and preferences are applied.

All of these types of management in practice are closely intertwined and interdependent, which significantly complicates management activities, but using the capabilities of the species diversity of management systems leads to an increase in their potential and effectiveness.

Objects and subjects of management * . In the management process, it should be borne in mind that any organization, regardless of the size and tasks it solves, has a managed and controlling subsystem (part), or an object and subject of management (see Fig. 1.2.). This means that any organization is a unity of two subsystems: managed and managing. Together they form a management system.

The subjects of management are managers-managers at various levels, who are authorized to make decisions in certain areas of the organization’s activities.

  1.3 Main management categories

Fig. 1. 2. Control system

The category "manager" * applies to:

  • line management managers: directors, heads of production departments of the middle and lower management;
  • heads of functional management: deputy directors, heads of functional units and their parts (bureaus, laboratories, sectors);
  • organizers of certain types of work.

Objects of management * - the whole composition of interrelated structural units for any purpose (shops, sites, departments, sectors, laboratories, etc.).

The object and the subject of management are in mutual connection and dependence. The larger the volume of the object of management, the greater will be the subject of management. This is not a directly proportional dependence, since other factors will also affect the size of the management subject, such as the organization of the management object, the level of work computerization, etc. This division of the management system into the management subject and object and this relationship between them takes place at all management levels : upper, middle and lower.

The controlling and controlled subsystems are interconnected by means of information.

From the control object, information on the progress of work enters the control subsystem and allows it to develop control commands, which are then transmitted to the controlled subsystem for execution, as shown in Fig. 12.

The information inputs of the control subsystem are influenced by environmental factors: suppliers, company owners, laws and government bodies, as well as the international environment, economics, politics, technology, etc.

In addition, the information inputs of the control subsystem are affected by the production information received via the feedback channels from the controlled subsystem. The outputs of the control subsystem are the plans of the lower structural units and control commands or control actions, as well as reporting information and information.

Management functions * . The category of management functions is one of the fundamental in management theory.

The function of management * is a type of activity based on the division and cooperation of managerial labor and characterized by a certain homogeneity, complexity and stability of the effects on the object and subject of management.

Each management function is characterized by homogeneity of content and target orientation. Functions are integral parts of any management process, regardless of the characteristics (size, purpose, ownership, etc.) of an organization. Therefore, they are called basic, or common .

In theory and practice of management there are various approaches to the classification of functions. In the domestic management theory distinguish functions of the main (general) and specific (specific). Currently, the majority of authors in the composition of general functions include: forecasting and planning; work organization; activation and stimulation; coordination and regulation; control, accounting and analysis.

All basic (general) management functions are performed in each unit at any level of management of any socio-economic system.

Specific management functions - functions associated with types of management activities that are dependent on the characteristics of management objects: design preparation of production * , technological preparation of production * , management of material and technical supply, etc.

All considered functions (basic and specific) have two general characteristics: they both require decision-making, and all need communication, information sharing. These characteristics link all managerial functions, and therefore they are often called linking processes.

Management Hierarchy * . Organization management is a hierarchical concept, i.e., referring to a well-defined level of management.

The management hierarchy is a service ladder, a number of positions, a chain of command in the order of transition from lower to higher levels, and vice versa.

For decades, organizations have created so-called hierarchical management structures. These structures are characterized by the following fundamental position - the hierarchy of management, in which the lower level is subordinated and controlled by the superior. The content, forms and methods of management depend on the hierarchical level of its implementation in the organization. As a rule, an enterprise can be divided into three hierarchical levels of management: upper, middle and lower (see. Fig. 1.3.). The form of the pyramid shows that at each subsequent level of management there are fewer people than the previous one.

  1.3 Main management categories

Fig. 1. 3. Hierarchical levels of management

One of the forms of division of managerial labor is horizontal, the placement of specific managers at the head of individual departments. Horizontally divided management work must be coordinated so that the organization can succeed in its work. Senior executives have to spend time coordinating the work of middle managers, who, in turn, also coordinate the work of lower-level managers, and they, in turn, coordinate the work of non-managerial staff - people who physically produce products or provide services. Such a vertical deployment of the division of labor as a result forms the levels of the management hierarchy (see Figure 1.3).

Organizational structure * and management scheme. Organizational structure - the structure, organization of the organization, determined by the composition of the main parts, their interconnection and interposition.

Physical embodiment of the organizational structure is in the control scheme. The purpose of management schemes, like any drawing, is to give a clear idea of ​​the existing or proposed organizational structure of a particular organization.

The structure of the management structure * reflects the static position of subunits and positions, and the nature of relations between them.

Between the parts of the structure are established stable links, which are usually divided into horizontal and vertical. Horizontal links ensure consistency between the elements of the structure and are, as a rule, single-level. Vertical communications are communications of submission and their necessity arises in the presence of several levels of management.

Principles of management * . The principles of management are the most important guidelines, guidelines and norms of behavior, guided by which management bodies ensure the effective development of the organization.

Among the most important principles of effective management are the following principles:

  • integrity;
  • hierarchical ordering;
  • development focus;
  • scientific validity and optimal management;
  • optimal combination of centralization and decentralization;
  • democratization.

The main principle of the systems approach is the principle of integrity.

The principle of system integrity implies the need to consider the organization as a whole, consisting of interacting, often of different quality, but at the same time compatible in orientation of the organization on the final results of elements. All organizations should be seen as systems in the relationship, unity and interaction of all their functional parties, components and parts. When creating certain objects, the indicated threefold integrity should be ensured by appropriate methods not only of analysis, but also of synthesis. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that from a systemic position for the effective development of a system, it is not any links that matter, but only essential links between elements of the system that exceed their value with elements that are not part of this system. It is these links that determine the integrative properties of the system, which distinguish it from a simple conglomerate and are isolated from the environment as a holistic entity.

Integrative qualities are inherent only in the target system completely, but are not peculiar to any of its elements separately. The presence of integrative qualities shows that the properties of the system, although they depend on the properties of the elements, are not fully determined by them. This leads to important practical conclusions that the system is not reduced to a simple set of elements, and that by dividing it into separate parts and studying each of them separately, it is impossible to know all the properties of the system as a whole.

The principle of hierarchical ordering. Any organization consists of a "family" located above one another (or one below the other) levels of government, reflecting the general pattern of nature. Consequently, the organization of people is always multi-level, multi-stage, that is, orderly. Such an organization is usually denoted by the already known word "hierarchy".

The principle of target orientation (orientation) of development. Goal setting is the beginning of all management activities. Its mandatory continuation is the definition of the types of work that are needed to achieve the goal.

When creating any system (subsystem), firstly, the purpose of functioning must be clearly defined, representing materially (informationally) a certain final part of the whole; secondly, ensured the integrity of the composition of the elements to achieve a given goal; thirdly, a plan of functioning is established, which determines the order of interaction of elements for the performance of functions to achieve a given goal.

The principle of scientific validity and optimal management. The main content of this principle is to require that all management actions are carried out on the basis of the application of scientific methods and approaches. In order for management to become scientifically grounded, it is necessary to observe two basic conditions: the constant study of laws, laws, principles, methods and other components of management science; systematic improvement of management practices based on the latest achievements of management science and the compilation of best practices in the management of the organization.

To manage scientifically means to widely use the systemic, integrated, situational, computational and analytical approach in management of the organization, to make extensive use of economic and mathematical modeling, the use of advanced computer control technologies, etc.

The level of scientific management is mainly determined by the qualifications of managers and specialists, their general culture, technical and economic erudition.

The most important task of management is to meet the needs of the market with the least expenditure of resources: human, material, monetary, energy, etc. At the same time, the essence of optimal management is to choose the most effective management solution in specific conditions based on a comprehensive analysis and study of information, consideration of a variety of solutions and t. n.

The principle of the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in management. The problem of a combination of centralization and decentralization in management is the optimal distribution (delegation) of authority when making management decisions.

Organizations in which senior management retains most of the powers necessary to make critical decisions are called centralized. Организации же, в которых полномочия распределены по нижестоящим уровням управления, называются децентрализованными.

Определить уровень централизации можно по следующим характеристикам [33]:

  1. Количество решений, принимаемых на нижестоящих уровнях управления. Чем больше решений принимается нижестоящими руководителями, тем больше степень децентрализации.
  2. Важность решений, принимаемых на нижестоящих уровнях. Если на среднем и нижнем уровнях руководители могут принимать решения, касающиеся управления затратами, связанными с материальными и трудовыми ресурсами и изменением направления деятельности организации, то налицо вариант децентрализованной организации.
  3. Число функций, реализуемых на нижестоящих уровнях. Если на нижнем и среднем уровнях руководители принимают решения более чем по одной функции, то такая организация, по-видимому, децентрализованная * .
  4. Уровень контроля за работой подчиненных. Руководство высшего звена в децентрализованной организации редко проверяет повседневные решения руководителей нижнего и среднего звеньев. Их оценивают в основном по результатам деятельности подразделений, например по уровню прибыльности и динамики развития организации.

Методы менеджмента * . Реализация функций и принципов менеджмента осуществляется с помощью различных методов.

Management methods - methods of implementation of management activities used to set and achieve the goals of the organization.

The content of the management method ultimately boils down to answering the questions: how, in what way can the goals of management be achieved? how to carry out management activities?

Management methods * are closely related to management principles. Principles are fundamental principles of management. Management methods act as a means of implementing principles. Principles do not choose, they are followed. Methods are more alternative, their choice is possible, replacing one with another. Without knowledge of the system of management methods (only on the basis of principles) it is difficult to achieve the goals and functions of management. In addition, knowledge of management methods allows you to understand the enormous amount of specific rules, techniques and private management methods.

In management practice, as a rule, various methods and their combinations are applied simultaneously. The following control methods can be distinguished:

    1. Общенаучные методы (системный подход * , комплексный подход, моделирование, экспериментирование, конкретно-исторический подход, методы социологических исследований).
    2. Конкретные методы, осуществляемые по трем основным направлениям:

    • методы управления функциональными подсистемами организации (маркетинг, инновации * , производство, финансы, персонал и т. п. );
    • методы выполнения функций управления (прогнозирование и планирование, организация, координация и регулирование, активизация и стимулирование и контроль);
    • методы принятия управленческих решений (постановки проблем, решения проблем, выбора решений и организации выполнения принятых решений).

Направленность методов управления всегда одна и та же - они направлены на людей, осуществляющих различные виды деятельности.

Следует исходить из того, что в конкретном методе управления определенным образом сочетаются (взаимодействуют) и содержание, и направленность, и организационная форма. В связи с этим можно выделить следующие методы управления: организационно-административные, экономические и социально-психологические.

Организационно-административные методы основаны на прямых директивных указаниях. Они оказывают прямое воздействие на управляемый объект через приказы, распоряжения, оперативные указания, отдаваемые письменно или устно, контроль за их исполнением и т. д. Они призваны обеспечить организационную четкость и дисциплину труда. Эти методы регламентируются правовыми актами трудового и хозяйственного законодательства. Организационно-административные методы отличает от других четкая адресность директив, обязательность выполнения распоряжений и указаний, невыполнение которых рассматривается как прямое нарушение исполнительной дисциплины и влечет за собой определенные взыскания.

Экономические методы представляют собой совокупность экономических рычагов, с помощью которых достигается эффект, удовлетворяющий требования коллектива в целом и личности в частности. Им отводится центральное место. Поставленная цель здесь достигается воздействием на экономические интересы управляемого объекта.

Конкретный набор и содержание рычагов экономического воздействия определяется спецификой управляемой системы. В соответствии с этим в управленческой практике экономические методы руководства чаще всего выступают в следующих формах: планирование, анализ, хозрасчет, ценообразование, финансирование.

Социально-психологические методы представляют собой совокупность специфических методов воздействия на личностные отношения и связи, возникающие в трудовых коллективах, а также на социальные процессы. Они основаны на использовании моральных стимулов к труду, воздействуют на личность с помощью психологических приемов. Это достигается посредством такого воздействия, как экономическое соревнование, критика и самокритика, убеждение, авторитет * , личный пример, различного рода ритуалы и обряды.

Стиль руководства * . Первоначально словом "стиль" называли стержень для писания на восковой доске, а позднее оно употреблялось в значении "почерк". В настоящее время стиль - это система постоянно применяемых методов руководства, своего рода почерк действий менеджера.

Стиль руководства - совокупность наиболее характерных и устойчивых методов решения типовых проблем и задач, реализуемых в практической деятельности конкретным менеджером.

Стиль управления - это манера и способ поведения менеджера в процессе подготовки и реализации управленческих решений. Определенному набору постоянно применяемых конкретным менеджером методов руководства соответствует вполне определенный стиль управления. Стиль руководства * - явление строго индивидуальное, определяемое конкретными специфическими свойствами человека, особенностями его работы с людьми. Стиль управления регламентируется личными качествами менеджера.

К настоящему времени наиболее широкое и общепризнанное выделение стилей руководства предложено К. Левиным, который выделил авторитарный * , демократический * и либеральный * стили.

Для авторитарного стиля управления характерна централизация власти и единоличное принятие решений. Основное содержание его управленческой деятельности состоит из приказов и распоряжений, ставка делается на администрирование и ограниченные контакты с подчиненными. Для автократа характерны догматизм и стереотипность мышления, неприятие инициативы подчиненных. Под началом автократа работать неприятно, так как подчиненные испытывают постоянный страх перед увольнением.

Демократический стиль управления характеризуется доверием к людям, стремлению к коллегиальному решению задач, систематическому информированию подчиненных о положении дел в коллективе. В коллективе царит доброжелательная атмосфера, правильная реакция на критику.

Либеральный стиль руководства характеризуется предоставлением полной самостоятельности, возможности индивидуального и коллективного творчества. Руководителей-либералов отличает безынициативность, пассивность, боязнь конфликтов, а его деятельность малоэффективна.

В чистом виде руководители указанных типов встречаются редко. Эффективность ситуационного подхода к управлению предусматривает применение в каждом конкретном случае преимуществ того или иного стиля управления.


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