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2.4 Formation and development of the Russian management system


There is no general management theory suitable for all times and peoples - there are only general management principles that generate the American, Japanese, German or Russian management systems with their own unique features.

The radical economic reform carried out in the country, the complex and in many ways still unexplored ways of transition to the economic mechanism of a new type, the need for structural adjustment, the search for methods to improve the economy and ensure its balance, cause interest in the processes occurring in the economies of industrialized capitalist countries to world experience. from crisis situations, overcoming negative phenomena in the economy (inflation, monopolism, unemployment, imbalance of the consumer market, deficiencies, irregularities in the system of monetary circulation, etc.), to ensure effective management. In this regard, it is practically important and useful to purposefully study the experience of using various factors of economic development in the USA, Japan, Western Europe, and a number of other countries that have shown very recently the real possibilities not only of overcoming crises, but also of an abrupt transition to a new quality of economic development. growth. The main thing in the study of this experience is to identify methods and mechanisms that ensure satisfaction of the demand of direct consumers, speed of payback and reliability of the effect of capital investments, orientation towards advanced technologies and methods of highly productive management. In the final analysis, all this serves as the most important factors in the growth of labor productivity in modern conditions.

The approach that encourages attempts to study the managerial and organizational ideas of developed countries in connection with the problems of management restructuring in Russia seems very fruitful.

In recent years, new types of production and business organizations are being created in the Russian economy - corporations, holdings, associations, consortia, FIGs - financial and industrial groups, steps are being taken to organize small businesses, and the process of forming joint-stock enterprises has almost completed. As a result, as planned, conditions will gradually be created so that enterprises dramatically increase the efficiency and profitability of their work and begin to act with a focus on the real consumer.

However, there are no common recipes for how to ensure the solution of problems facing enterprises in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible costs, how to change specific forms and methods of management in the context of the new economic mechanism.

Of interest is the analysis of specific steps and actions that are taken by the industrial and technical leaders of Western states in order to make another breakthrough in the "struggle for leadership".

The main focus of industry development is likely to be a combination of established organizational forms of management and the latest technical means and technologies. In addition to the concentration of production in super-large firms that will occupy key positions in the economy of the 21st century, smaller, supplying and servicing companies will also function in a sufficiently large number.

Along with concentration, the level of competitiveness will be determined by such factors as the development of the production of new types of products and the stimulation of the formation of new needs . They are associated with the trend of continuing growth in the costs of research and development, advertising and marketing.

A special place is occupied by ensuring a stable growth in the quality and reliability of new products while reducing the prices of new types of products. The course is taken to increase the production, creative impact and activity of the staff while focusing on the specific reduction in the number of industrial and managerial workers. All this practically means the release of as many new products that are in high demand as possible, the prices of which will be lower than those of competitors, and the quality and operational characteristics and reliability will be higher.

One desire to achieve competitive advantage, of course, is not enough. At a minimum, it is necessary to develop the right strategy * and tactics of the struggle for leadership, to identify priority areas for investment and areas of work, to concentrate efforts and resources on the development of the most promising areas of technology, technology and management.

How, then, do large industrial companies of developed Western countries plan to provide solutions to these problems? In which areas will the overwhelming share of financial and material resources at the disposal of industrial companies and banks be directed in the coming decade? In which direction will the production management system develop? The same issues are acute for Russia.

Answers to these questions will help, it seems, to reveal some general outlines of the industrial, technological and management strategy of advanced Western firms, the implementation of which is designed to help them gain a foothold in the already conquered and new markets.

For a sharp increase in the level of competitiveness, it is planned to carry out a whole range of coordinated technical, technological, and organizational and managerial measures. Their implementation should determine the whole course of action in the coming years.

The end result, according to Western management strategies, should be the creation of a new generation of production systems that will operate in the mode of the so-called innovation pipeline. The essence of this approach is to aim enterprises, firstly, at the constant introduction of new, more advanced products into production; secondly, on the steady reduction of all types of production costs; thirdly, to improve the quality and consumer characteristics while reducing the prices of manufactured products.

In essence, the task is to combine, within the framework of business complexes, the flexibility and adaptability of small-scale production with low costs and high labor productivity of mass production. It is believed that such a combination will ensure not only stabilization, but also a reduction in costs at all levels of the value chain, with constant introduction into mass production of new products, expanding the range of products and changing the product range, which should eventually create the conditions for winning a competitive fight

In order to reach the planned lines in the shortest possible time and with minimal investment, it is necessary to focus on three main areas:

  1. integrated automation of production processes ;
  2. improving the forms and methods of management , including the organization of production and the development of technical and technological base;
  3. development of human resources while improving the skills, activity and loyalty of each employee. It is this kind of resource competition that is considered the most promising in order to create adaptive production systems of a new generation, which only recently existed only in theory.

With the coincidence of the general strategic directions of the struggle for leadership, there are some peculiarities in the approaches of the leading Japanese and American companies to how to ensure their advantage in economic rivalry in the world market.

For example, the specificity of the Japanese approach is that the automation and computerization of production are not considered as an end in itself and an absolute guarantee of success. Moreover, special and very persistent efforts are being made to ensure that in the transition to the production of more and more complex and technically advanced products, the technical, technological and organizational complexity of their manufacture is sharply reduced.

In order to outrun their competitors, it is proposed to prioritize differently in the course of creating two basic prerequisites for winning a competitive struggle:

  1. Development of such technology and such organization of production in order to produce any, even the most complex products based on standard, simple and easily manageable sets of operations carried out on universal, flexible and in a wide range of readjusted equipment. The main idea of ​​the Japanese approach is to simplify and rationalize the work of production units with a general orientation towards increasing automation, due to careful technological and design preparation of production, to minimize the number of non-programmed deviations from the planned and clearly calculated process flow.

  2. Creating organizational and managerial conditions so that all or the vast majority of deviations are detected and settled directly by production personnel * at the level of the workplace, site, shop . As a result, it is planned to create a management mechanism that, as it were, performs self-regulation from below.

In order to implement such an approach in practice, it is planned, along with automation, to concentrate efforts and resources on the development of new technological processes, allowing to organize an accelerated transition to the production of new products and the manufacture of small batches on the principles of large-scale and mass production.

Since the mid-1980s, several major American companies have used a slightly different approach, which, in order to provide competitive advantages, have relied mainly on accelerated large-scale automation and computerization of all types of production and management operations. In short, the essence of this approach is to achieve a rational functioning of production units through top management, through the creation of adaptive information systems, a complex set of optimization models and quantitative methods that can quickly detect and suggest the option of eliminating any unplanned deviations at one or another stage of production. sales cycle.

However, today it is becoming clear that the parallel implementation of full automation and informatization, that is, the practical implementation of the concept of the so-called factory of the future, requires huge amounts of investment, but it does not always produce the expected result if it is carried out in isolation, without a corresponding restructuring of the entire complex. - managerial factors affecting production and sales activities.

When focusing on super-automation, there is a real danger that too much a lurch towards supercomplex information systems will not provide the conditions for advancing improvement and simplification of technology and production processes, the introduction of new methods of organizing production, the use of reserves embedded in the human factor.

As a result, it may happen, as happened, for example, in some of the largest US auto companies, that over-automatization, instead of saving and increasing efficiency, was one of the causes of large losses. In addition, a comparative analysis of the experience of large American and Japanese companies producing technically difficult products showed that investing in advanced training and improving the organizational and managerial component yields a much higher economic effect than just investing in automating core production.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the main feature of the new systems of Russian intra-company management in the 1990s should be a long-term focus, basic research, diversification of operations, innovative activities, maximum use of staff creative activity. Decentralization, reduction of levels in the management apparatus, promotion of workers and their payment, depending on actual results, will be the main directions of changes in the management apparatus (see Table 1.4).

The process of modifying the organizational structures of management, specific Russian forms and methods of managing production and sales operations has in fact already begun and is developing in a number of specific areas. The main ones include the following.

Firstly, the decentralization of production and sales operations . To this end, within the framework of the largest Russian companies, semi-autonomous or autonomous units have already been created or are being created that are fully responsible for profits and losses. These divisions are fully responsible for the organization of production and sales activities, in a relatively small corporate management body concentrates only the solution of strategic development issues associated with large investments. Each subdivision finances its activities fully, and on a commercial basis enters into partnerships with any organizations.

Secondly, innovative expansion, the search for new markets and the diversification of operations . This direction is realized through the creation within the framework of large companies of innovation firms focused on the production and independent promotion of new products and technologies in the markets and operating on the principles of "risk financing". It is a widespread practice of large companies to create small enterprises in the most promising areas, aimed at gaining a strong position in the market in the shortest possible time.

These enterprises can be created as independent, and by agreement with other companies, as it were, on a cooperative basis. Hundreds of companies can participate in these associations.

T a b e and c a 1.4

The main directions of development of the Russian management system

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Characteristics of the Russian management model


Creation of new forms of organizations (corporations, holdings, associations, FIG)


Production concentration


Creation of small enterprises


Orientation for the long term, conducting basic research


Increased research and development, advertising and marketing costs


Integrated automation and computerization of production processes


Creation of adaptive production systems of the new generation, operating in the innovation conveyor mode


Improving the quality and reliability of new products


Development of strategy and tactics of the struggle for leadership


Identification of priority investment areas


Improving forms and methods of management


Human resource development


Innovation, integration, internationalization


Production diversification


Decentralization and reduction of levels in the administration


Development of integration processes in management activities

Thirdly, debureaucratization, constant increase of creative and production efficiency of the personnel . To this end, a variety of measures are taken, including the distribution of shares among staff and the formation of enterprises owned by their employees.

A characteristic feature of recent years and, apparently, the upcoming period is the transition from narrow specialization to integration in the content and character of management itself, in a management style. It is known that in the conditions of specialization the growth of labor productivity is ensured by the fragmentation of work, functions, knowledge. More specialized work requires more coordination efforts, which are mainly carried out by middle-level employees and staff services. As a result, the number of management levels is constantly increasing, and each employee feels an increasing alienation from his activities. It is now clear that the path to over-specialization is a dead end .

The course is taken on the development of integration processes in management activities . If, with specialization, an authoritarian leadership style is typical, then integration is a coordinated, democratic one * . The leader should not order his subordinates, but direct their efforts, help the disclosure of their abilities, form around them a group of like-minded people. With this approach, organizational structures from pyramid should be transformed into flat , with a minimum number of levels between the top manager and direct performers, with a focus on communication with consumers.

Thus, in recent years, in developed Western countries, both at the level of the entire economic system and in individual companies, large-scale structural, technological, organizational and managerial changes have been taking place, aimed at a sharp increase in efficiency and profitability in the context of constant sharpening of competitive struggle. Большинство проводимых изменений ориентировано на дебюрократизацию организационных структур, отказ от использования административных рычагов координации и контроля, предоставление руководству компаний самых широких полномочий в решении производственно-сбытовых проблем.

Постановка ряда коренных вопросов о путях активизации экономического развития ведущих стран мира с использованием современных подходов к взаимодействию технического прогресса, производства и потребления позволяет по-новому взвесить и оценить отдельные факторы, действие которых должно быть направлено на ускорение экономической реформы в нашей стране, на преодоление кризисных явлений и негативных тенденций. Первоочередными являются меры по демонополизации экономики, по осуществлению реформы систем налогообложения, ценообразования, снабжения и сбыта, по изменению практики размещения государственных заказов, по созданию всей рыночной инфраструктуры.

Интересы неуклонного повышения уровня производительности труда неотделимы от системы экономического стимулирования, от инструментов воздействия на экономические процессы. Из этого и нужно исходить при введении новой системы налогообложения прибылей предприятий и доходов населения, осуществлении финансового контроля, обеспечении связи между конечными результатами и материальным стимулированием, переходе к активной кредитной политике, отвечающей реальной экономической конъюнктуре.

В этой же связи хотелось бы особо подчеркнуть, что мы стоим перед необходимостью по-новому организовать и осуществлять внешнеэкономические связи . Опыт промышленно развитых капиталистических стран учит тому, что в современных условиях бесперспективными являются ограничения в использовании международного разделения труда, искусственное сдерживание современных форм внешнеэкономических связей. Эффективный рост экономики, успешная реализация достижений научно-технического прогресса уже на деле стали невозможными без состязательности и конкуренции на мировом рынке, без производственной кооперации на межгосударственном уровне.

Созидательный потенциал, заложенный в наиболее полном и последовательном переходе к экономическим методам управления во всем их объеме и разнообразии, позволит надежно, шаг за шагом повышать производительность общественного труда, обеспечивать пропорциональное и сбалансированное развитие экономики, создать надежную и эффективную российскую систему менеджмента со своими неповторимыми особенностями.


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