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9.1.2 Structure and principles of organization of the production process


The production process is a set of interrelated labor and natural processes, under the purposeful influence of which the raw materials are converted into finished products.

The manufacturing process of manufacturing complex products consists of a large number of partial processes over parts of the products: main , auxiliary and serving .

The main ones are the technological processes for the direct manufacture of the main products of the enterprise. The main process usually consists of three stages - procurement, processing, assembly - and includes a large number of various operations. Depending on the type of manufactured products, the main processes can use a wide variety of technologies - metallurgical, metalworking, welding, brazing, glass processing, thermal, electrophysical, chemical, photolithographic, etc.

Under the auxiliary (providing) understand the processes of manufacturing products for their own needs of the enterprise, not included in the composition of its main products. These include: the manufacture and repair of technological equipment; metrological support and repair of non-standard equipment and instruments; energy production of all kinds; production of distilled water, hydrogen, etc. Some auxiliary processes, such as the manufacture of technological equipment, may also consist of the above three stages.

The servicing includes processes related to servicing the main and auxiliary processes, including: storage, transport, instrumentation, information, etc. The essence of the processes is to provide services to the main, auxiliary production and management units.

The ratio and nature of the interrelationships of the main, auxiliary and serving processes form the structure of the production process .

Organizational and auxiliary processes are organizationally divided into simple and complex . Simple are the processes of manufacturing simple objects (partial products) by performing a series of sequential operations: the manufacture of blanks, parts, and simple assembly units. The processes of manufacturing complex finished products are complex by connecting a number of partial products: the manufacture of assemblies, blocks, instruments, assemblies, etc. They represent a certain set of simple processes, coordinated in space and in time by units that implement them.

The main structural unit of the production process is the operation . An operation is understood as a set of actions performed by a worker or a team on one or several objects of labor in one workplace without readjustment of equipment. There are two types of operations: basic , or technological , in the process of which there is a change in the shape, size, properties, or mutual articulation of the objects of labor; auxiliary , related to the movement of objects of labor and quality control. Depending on the technological requirements and conditions of the organization of the process, its division into operations may be different. For example, roughing and finishing rolls and threading, if they are performed on one machine according to technological and organizational conditions, are considered to be a single operation; if these works are performed at different workplaces, they form three operations.

The organization of production processes at machine-building and instrument-making enterprises is based on the fundamental principles of modern organization theory : target specialization, integrity of the composition of elements, planning . At the same time, the forms and methods of spatial and temporal combinations of all the main, auxiliary and serving processes, depending on the nature and conditions of production, are very diverse. Therefore, in addition to the fundamental principles in the organization of the production process, it is necessary to take into account local principles: specialization, technological standardization, parallelism, continuity, automaticity, proportionality, directness, rhythm, preventiveness .

Specialization determines the need to assign to each production unit, starting with the enterprise and ending with jobs, a limited range of production facilities or types of work. In this case, the selection of production objects should be made on the basis of their structural and technological homogeneity. Adherence to this principle enhances the integrity and efficiency of production.

Technological standardization * is aimed at reducing the diversity of technological processes and their material support by maximizing the unification of technological processes and modes, and consequently, reducing the number of types, types, models of equipment and tooling used. This type of standardization allows to reduce the production cycle and the cost of pre-production, reduce interruptions in workplace loading, increase labor productivity, and reduce production costs.

Parallelism means the simultaneous (combined in time) execution of individual operations or processes, which leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle * .

Continuity is expressed in the maximum reduction or complete elimination of the intervals between the performance of related operations or processes. As a result, equipment loading and labor productivity increase, production time decreases.

Automation in the manufacture of a product or its parts is provided by performing individual operations or their complexes, partial processes and the production process as a whole with the help of automatic or automated equipment.

Proportionality means equality or multiplicity of productivity of workplaces in all operations, processes and stages. Increasing the degree of proportionality of processes contributes to a more complete implementation of the principles of parallelism and continuity.

Straightness is achieved by arranging workplaces, sites and workshops in accordance with the technological process of manufacturing or assembling products. As a result, there are shortest paths of movement of objects in production by eliminating return and oncoming movements, as well as interruptions and transportation costs are reduced.

Rhythm is to ensure the repeatability of the processes for the manufacture of products and their parts after a strictly defined period of time. As a result, regular production is carried out and high production efficiency is achieved by increasing the impact of all previous principles on it.

Preventiveness implies the need to provide for measures to prevent equipment failures and interruptions in work for organizational reasons, which contributes to the continuous implementation of all the principles discussed above.

The basic principles underlie the organization of any production process, but they can be implemented in different ways. They act interdependently and unidirectionally. For example, attaining quantitative proportionality in the process, they simultaneously create prerequisites for the continuity and rhythm of the production process, straightforward movement of objects of labor * , etc.


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