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4.3.1 Methods of work on improving organizational structures


A wide variety of organizational and technical conditions of production, opportunities for obtaining information, and the qualifications of developers have led to various methods for carrying out work to improve organizational structures.

Consider the content of the most famous of them.

1. The expert method consists in a preliminary study of the current management structure, identifying its bottlenecks. For this purpose, a diagnostic examination of the management system is carried out in order to study its state on the basis of a comparison of the actual values ​​of the corresponding indicators with their standard and planned values. The subsequent analysis of these indicators makes it possible to establish shortcomings (reserves) in the activity of the management system, to make their exact diagnosis. As a rule, this work is accompanied by a so-called. prognostic analysis, whose task is to study the behavior of the current system in dynamics, identify trends in its changes, as well as an explanation of the reasons for these changes.

The expert method in the practice of improving organizational structures is used quite widely. This is due to the insufficient development of quantitative methods of analysis, the imperfection of the regulatory framework and other reasons. The advantage of the expert method is the relative speed of obtaining the results of the analysis and the development of recommendations for eliminating the shortcomings of the organizational structure.

2. The method of comparison and analogies is to use when improving the organization of management the elements of the control mechanism, organizational forms and decisions that have justified themselves in practice in enterprises with similar conditions (size, type of production, complexity of products, etc.). The method of comparison and analogies provides for the development and use of typical management structures, standards of controllability, typical composition of management functions, various calculation formulas for determining standards for the number of managerial workers. It should be noted that this method is currently the most common practice in the work of sectoral design institutes, enterprises and associations. The widespread use of the method has led to the unification of organizational structures of management in enterprises of industries, streamlining staffing schedules, regulation of administrative and management activities. Of course, in the conditions of a wide variety of constructions of organizational structures, methods of determining the number of employees by management functions, the lack of qualified specialists in management organization, this approach was progressive and played a positive role. However, he focuses on the average composition of management functions, puts severe restrictions on the choice of organizational structures.

The main content of the method is to identify groups of homogeneous enterprises, determined on the basis of the volume and complexity of management work. For each group, a typical organizational structure * and other typical solutions for the construction of the management apparatus are being developed.

3. The method of structuring goals is based on the representation of the production and economic organization as a multi-purpose system. The method provides for the structuring of the goals (objectives) of the organization for certain characteristics, which serve as the basis for identifying activities, the composition of management work. The grouping of managerial work according to certain rules makes it possible to define structural units and orient their activities towards the achievement of a specific production and economic goal.

4. Methods of organizational modeling are based on the use of certain formalized representations (models) of the object and control system. Among the group of methods of organizational modeling, the most well-known method is based on the decomposition of the information process of management performance. In accordance with this method, in production processes, points, places requiring control actions are distinguished. Next, determine the nature and frequency of these impacts, the composition and amount of information, the necessary technical means and other components of the management process. Development of management processes is made taking into account the regulatory requirements for their organization. On the basis of the characteristics of the developed management processes (their periodicity, labor intensity, etc.), the number of employees, their subordination in the course of management work, the composition of the administrative apparatus are established.

The methods of organizational modeling should include methods that use the parametric dependencies of the object and the subject of management. The essence of these methods is to establish links between the parameters of the control system and production and technical factors, to determine the direction of action and the closeness of these links. The advantage of the parametric method consists in the study of quantitative characteristics for the description of the control system and its structure.

In recent years, the possibilities of organizational modeling of the improvement of management systems have increased due to the wider and more thoughtful use of personal computers. With the help of computers and economic and mathematical models, it became possible to imitate many situations of management activity, which expands the area of ​​system analysis, allows for a detailed study and forecast of organizational changes in the management system in the near and distant future, provides a more effective solution to the problems arising in the development of production. Among the most important of them is the choice of a rational organizational structure of an enterprise, a workshop, a site, the determination of a reasonable level of centralization and decentralization of management, based on specific production conditions, distribution of responsibilities among specialists at various levels for making management decisions, etc.

The choice of one or another method of conducting work on improving management depends on the nature of the problems in this area, the availability of resources, qualified performers, the degree of substantiation of the regulatory and methodological framework, and other conditions. In practice, as a rule, a combination of the considered methods is used, which complement one another. For example, the use of the method of structuring goals in many cases involves the involvement of experts, analytical information. On the other hand, the use of the expert method in the improvement of the management system does not preclude the use of standard solutions, analogues, successfully proven in practice, etc.


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