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3.4 Evolution and the formation of the theory of organization


The classical organization theory is built on four key pillars: the division of labor, linear and functional processes, the structure and the norm of controllability.

The neoclassical theory of organization accepts the postulates of the classical school and develops the following main directions: it introduces behavioral sciences in an integrated form into the theory of organization; systematically addresses the informal organization, showing its influence on the formal structure; develops the theory of motivation, coordination and leadership; as well as the problem of delegation of authority and responsibility.

Modern organization theory (STR) refers to the strategic parts of the system: a person, a formal structure, an informal organization, a work style, and a physical work environment. To the number of connecting processes, SRT refers to: communication, balance and decision making. The objectives of the organization are growth, stability and interaction.

The methodological basis of the theory of organization is a systems approach, the general theory of systems and cybernetics * . The logic of the structure-forming model of the organization's theory provides for its implementation in the three defining aspects of the systems approach: functional, elemental and organizational. The elements of the organization are: functional areas of the organization; elements of the production process; controls.

The categories of organization theory are the most general and functional concepts, reflecting essential universal properties and stable relations (connections * ) in the processes and structure of the organization. The main categories of organization theory include: concepts and the essence of an organization, types of organizations, general characteristics of organizations, mission of organizations, principles of functioning of organizations, external and internal environment of organizations, and organizational structure * .


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Terms: Management