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1.0 Introduction to Management


The essence and content of the management process is manifested in its functions. Management is an integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating and controlling, which is necessary to achieve the goals of an organization.

Today, there are four main established management schools :

  1. School of Scientific Management;
  2. administrative or classical school;
  3. school of human relations;
  4. mathematical school of management.

The categories of management are the most general and fundamental concepts, reflecting essential universal properties and stable relations (connections * ) in the processes and structure of management of an organization. The main categories of management include: the concept and essence of management; types of management; objects and subjects of management; organizational structure and management scheme; principles of management; management methods; leadership style * ; organizational structure * .

A manager is a specialist professionally engaged in management activities in a specific area of ​​a company's operation. There are five basic operations for each manager:

  1. he sets goals
  2. he organizes
  3. supports motivation and communication
  4. manager oversees
  5. promotes the growth of staff competence * .


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Terms: Management