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9.1.1 Types of production and their characteristics


The most important factor predetermining the forms and methods of organization, planning and management at the enterprise is the type of production.

Under the type of production refers to the classification characteristics of production on the latitude of the nomenclature, volume, regularity and stability of the release of products. From an organizational and economic point of view, the type of production is a generalizing characteristic of the production process, expressing the nature and number of internal relations between the main elements of the production process and the degree of consistency of production conditions at workplaces depending on them.

The main quantitative characteristic of the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations K z.o , determined by the ratio of the number of all the various parts of the operations performed in the production system during the month, D o to the calculated number of work places S p , ie

  9.1.1 Types of production and their characteristics

As you can see, K zo shows the average number of part-operations performed on one workplace of the production system (site, workshop) during the month. It characterizes the degree of stability of production processes in the workplace.

The estimated number of jobs loaded on the site (workshop) is determined by the ratio of the labor intensity of the production volume required for output in the planned period (year, quarter, month) to the effective time base of the equipment unit in this period, i.e.

  9.1.1 Types of production and their characteristics

where t i - the complexity of manufacturing units of the i- th product, h; N i - the volume of production of the i- th product in the planned period, pcs .; n is the number of types of products; F e - the effective Fund of working time of the equipment in the planning period, h.

The value of K zo for the considered production system in combination with the qualitative features of the production process, such as regularity (repeatability) and stability (continuity) of processes at workplaces, characterizes the type of production.

There are three main types of production: mass, serial and unit.

Mass production is characterized by the following distinctive features:

  1. Narrow nomenclature and large volumes of products, continuously manufactured for a long time.

  2. Each workplace * is loaded by performing one part-operation, i.e. K zo = 1.

  3. For each operation, the volume of work performed and the effective working time fund are related by inequality of the form:

      9.1.1 Types of production and their characteristics
    moreover, this ratio is an integer or a number close to it. Therefore, to perform each operation on the i-th item requires one or a corresponding number of jobs when they are fully loaded.

  4. Full stability of the working conditions at workplaces, which allows: narrowly specializing workplaces and equipping them with special high-performance equipment; establish exact standards for all costs; carry out thorough technical preparation of production; allocate the production of items on interrelated chains of workplaces (production lines); ensure a high degree of parallelism, continuity and rhythm of production.

  5. As a result of these advantages, the highest technical and economic indicators of production are achieved: high labor productivity; low production costs; the shortest production cycle; the minimum amount of work in progress and the binding of working capital.

Mass production has the following distinguishing features:

    1. Limited range and a relatively large volume of production of products manufactured in repetitive batches.
      Each workplace is loaded with performing several part-operations, i.e. K zo   9.1.1 Types of production and their characteristics 2. Since here the amount of work t i N i < F e for each item-operation, in order to achieve full workplace loading, it is necessary to assign to him the execution of several detail-operations D o in such a way that the condition
  9.1.1 Types of production and their characteristics
  1. The relative stability of working conditions in the workplace, determined by the most important distinctive feature of this type - the regular repeatability of production in batches (lots).
  2. The regulatory and technical base that is weaker compared to mass production and the lower technical and economic indices of production: work with batches of objects lengthens the production cycle and increases the required amount of working capital.
  3. In connection with the alternation in the loading of workplaces of lots of various items, the tasks of organizing, planning and managing production are much more complicated.

There are three types of mass production: large-scale - K zo = 2 - 4 (according to its characteristics, to mass); medium lot - K z.o = 5 - 22; small-scale - K z.o = 23 - 44. A distinctive feature of small-scale production is the irregular, episodic frequency of product release through long (previously unknown) periods of time with single or small volumes of output. Therefore, small-scale production of the nature of the organization to the unit.

Unit production is characterized by the following features:

  1. A wide range of manufactured products with single or small single-volume production.
  2. Complete non-repeatability of the release of products in their manufacture in separate copies or in small batches (batches).
  3. A wide range of parts and operations assigned to each workplace - K z.o = 23 - 66.
  4. Complete instability of working conditions in the workplace, as a result of the impact of these signs.
  5. The predominance of universal equipment serviced by highly skilled workers.
  6. The limited composition of the regulatory framework with an enlarged character.
  7. The very high complexity of the tasks of organizing and planning production due to the huge and constantly changing range of parts-operations, assembly units and products.
  8. Lower technical-economic indicators compared with serial production.

The type of production * of the primary production units (plots) is determined by analyzing the calculated values ​​of K z.o. and quality characteristics of stability and repeatability of production of products (parts). The type of production of a workshop is established according to similar criteria for its leading sections, and enterprises - according to the type of production of leading production workshops. However, in relation to even parts of one product in different workshops and in different parts of the plant, several types of production can be represented. This is determined, as has been shown, by a combination of the quantities produced by parts of the products and the labor intensity of their manufacture.


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