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4.1.0 Basic Control Functions


A definition of the function and control cycle is given, a classification of the control functions, their communication and interaction is given.

The structure of the planning function and its contents are considered. Detailed description of current planning, in particular budget planning. Special attention is paid to different types of planning strategies * .

An interpretation of the function of the organization is given, various schemes for the implementation of organizational structures and the prospects for their development are considered. The characteristics of the assessment of the level of centralization and decentralization are given.

The link management function is the coordination and regulation function, which ensures coherence in time and space through communication.

The characteristics of the content (A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs hierarchy, McClelland’s needs theory and Herzberg’s two-factor theory) and procedural (expectations theory, justice theory, Porter-Lowler motivation model), theories of motivation and their comparative evaluation are considered.

Characterized by various types of controls and requirements for them. The essence of the controlling system is considered.


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Terms: Management