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8.1.0 The process of creating products new technology


The connection of the development of scientific and technical progress in the sectors of the national economy with the efficiency of the system for creating and mastering new technology (SONT) is considered. A cyclically repeated SONT process is presented, consisting of four interrelated stages: scientific, design, technological, and organizational preparation of production. The principles of building SONT are revealed: consistency, continuity and standardization.

The content of the first stage of SONT - Scientific Preparation for Production (NPP) * , as a set of interrelated processes of searching and creating innovations in technology, technology and organization of production, is given. It reveals the content of scientific research that underlies the NPP, their difference in complexity and the nature of the final result, the content of the stages of conducting. A list of research organizations involved in the scientific-production enterprise, schemes of their functional and organizational structure, forms of cooperation in the performance of work are given. The resource, technical, informational support necessary for carrying out the GMP is revealed.


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