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10.1.4 Production scheduling


Under the production dispatch refers to a centralized continuous monitoring, control and regulation of the production process, organized on the basis of established schedules, shift-daily tasks using the means of operational management.

The main principles of dispatching are: centralization, planning, efficiency, prevention of deviations from a given work schedule.

The centralization of dispatching activity means implementing it from a single center - the production and dispatching department of the company and the binding orders of the chief or shift dispatcher of the enterprise for all heads of workshops and departments, and inside the workshop - for all masters and workers of the shop services.

Plannedness is expressed in the management of scheduling on the basis of monthly and shift-daily plans, fully maintaining the production process at a given rhythm and in accordance with the established shift schedule.

Efficiency is based on the concreteness of management, widespread awareness of the status of work in any part of the enterprise, the implementation of systematic monitoring of the production process and the adoption of effective and immediate measures to eliminate any deviations from the planned production progress.

Prevention of deviations lies in the control of material and technical preparation of production, the development of a set of preventive measures that do not allow deviations from the planned work plan.

For carrying out the dispatching process, the dispatching service is created as part of the production and dispatching department of the enterprise.

Its main task is to maintain a round-the-clock uninterrupted and rhythmic process of production in accordance with a given plan of production at all stages of its manufacture.

The organizational construction of the dispatch service depends on the type, nature and scale of production, the production structure of the enterprise.

The dispatching bureau may include groups on procurement, processing industries, as well as auxiliary workshops.

Centralized dispatch control is carried out in the following areas:

  • the implementation of the nomenclature plan for the release of products;
  • the status of the stocks, blanks, parts, assembly units in the interdepartmental warehouses and their replenishment;
  • the process of completing the production workshops with parts, assemblies and purchased products;
  • control of operational preparation of production;
  • monitoring the work of lagging shops and sites;
  • meeting deadlines for repairing deficient equipment.

The dispatching unit of workshops in the course of its activity performs the following functions:

  • systematic monitoring of the implementation of shift daily tasks;
  • accounting and analysis vnutrismennyh equipment downtime;
  • control of receipt of scarce materials into the shop;
  • holding dispatch meetings in the course of the current tasks;
  • control of equipment repair timeliness;
  • control of execution of orders of the shop management;
  • drafting dispatch reports.

The composition of the objects of dispatching control and regulation significantly depends on the type of production.

In serial production, the main objects are:

  • launch dates - the release of a batch of parts and assembly units;
  • stock status;
  • the degree of complete provision of assembly work in accordance with the schedule.

In small-scale and single production:

  • timeliness of technical preparation of production;
  • logistics;
  • lead parts launch dates;
  • the course of picking assembly.

In mass production:

  • adherence to the rhythm of production lines;
  • performing periodic preventive maintenance of equipment;
  • condition of linear and interline reserves.

In many enterprises, in order to increase efficiency and production efficiency, daily (five-day) dispatch meetings are held at the level of either the head of the PDO or the main dispatcher.

At large enterprises, ten-day meetings are practiced.

The theme of the first ten-day meeting is the state of material and technical support, the second is the progress of the current program for workshops, the third is the readiness of products and preparation for its implementation.

In the course of dispatching, individual issues requiring additional information or approval are recorded in a special dispatching journal or checklist.


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