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Management the introduction


In the conditions of transition to a market economy, the restructuring of the national economy, the sharp exacerbation of a number of economic, social, legal, political and other problems in the country, a crisis situation has arisen that is hindering the progressive development of all spheres of the national economy. At this time, conditions, as world experience shows, the most important factor in stabilization and further effective progressive development is the emergence of modern civilized management as a management system at all levels of the national economy, from firms, corporations to government in general. It is in this direction that enormous potentialities of national development lie, capable of giving it internal stimuli of self-movement, self-development. Naturally, the basis of this development is the regulatory role of the state in the economy.

As experience shows, in modern conditions of scientific and technological progress, 40% of the increase in labor productivity is the result of the use of progressive management systems.

All this taken together requires changes in the training of specialists. The higher school has the task to teach future specialists new methods of management, to master the principles and forms of modern management methods. Generating human energy and giving it direction is a management task. The study of the “Management” academic discipline, which, however, is complicated by the fact that the necessary textbooks and teaching aids are practically absent, are aimed at solving this task.

The authors of this textbook decided to fill this gap. The proposed tutorial, both structurally and substantively, differs from the existing domestic educational literature. For example, it includes such new topics as:

  • main categories of management * ;
  • methodology of a systematic approach to organization and management;
  • laws and principles of cybernetics applied in the management of organizations;
  • integration of new concepts in management theory and practice;
  • new management thinking;
  • the formation and development of the Russian management system;
  • methods of evaluating the effectiveness of staff labor;
  • rational use of staff time, etc.

A distinctive feature of this textbook is that it examines the topics of the Management course from the standpoint of the most effective use of the organization’s potential, primarily human potential, for successful long-term survival in a dynamically changing external environment.

The textbook reflects not only classical issues of management, but also modern issues related to the methodological support of anti-crisis social and economic development of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership.

Of particular importance and relevance is the consideration of the process of creating products of new technology, which includes:

  • scientific preparation of production;
  • design preparation of production;
  • technological preparation of production;
  • organizational training and the development of new technology.

These questions in the training manual are considered from system positions in three interconnected aspects - functional, elemental and organizational.

In addition, issues of organization and production planning were considered: design of production systems, organization of production processes, corporate planning * and product quality management.

The manual was prepared by experts of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University), St. Petersburg State University and St. Petersburg State Academy of Engineering and Economics.


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