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8.2.3 Organization of mastering the production of new technology


The final stage in the SONT system is a subsystem that implements two interrelated groups of tasks - organizational preparation of production (PPC) and development of new technology (ONT).

Tasks and content of PPP. The main goal of the PPC is to ensure full production readiness for the release of new products, established quality and quantity.

The criteria for achieving this goal are:

  • access to the planned technical and economic indicators;
  • reduction of resources for development;
  • reduction of the total cycle of PPC and ONT.

The PPC subsystem includes four functional blocks of tasks: planned; providing; project; transition tasks.

    1. Planned (pre-production) include the following steps:
      • development of a production plan;
      • establishment of calendar and planning norms (CIT);
      • determination of the need and loading of equipment and jobs;
      • construction of schedules of work of production units (shops, sites, etc.).
      • the movement of material flows and release of products;
    2. Providing contain tasks of material and social preparation of production, providing the enterprise with financial, informational and other resources.

Material and technical preparation of production is:

      • drawing up lists of necessary equipment and equipment;
      • statements of purchased products, materials and semi-finished products;
      • execution of contracts with enterprises - suppliers of material resources;
      • registration of applications to their own auxiliary shops for special equipment and tools.

Social training includes:

    • training and retraining;
    • the implementation of measures to ensure the necessary working conditions;
  1. Project tasks include special engineering and technical measures related to the necessary reconstruction of production, the creation of new sections, lines, etc.
  2. Transition tasks include:
    • operational testing of serial technology;
    • deployment of new products to the specified volumes;
    • curtailing the release of old products.

Mastering the mass production of a new product is carried out either in the newly created or in existing premises.

In machine building and instrument making, there are three transition methods : serial, parallel, parallel-serial.

The sequential method provides for the development of new products after the end of production of discontinued.

All or part of the rebuilt workshops (sites) are stopped, redevelopment, replacement of equipment, etc. is carried out. The method is associated with increased economic losses. It is advisable with a high degree of continuity of the processes of manufacturing products.

With the parallel method, the release of new products begins simultaneously with the release of removable products.

A new product is being mastered either on the available reserve areas and equipment (temporarily used), or on new ones, which are being transformed into main production units.

In this case, the released capacity can be used for the development of new products of the next stage.

The parallel-sequential method provides for the phased development of individual parts and units, equipping them with old products, the transition essentially to the production of a modified model.

This method is most appropriate, since the development is associated with minimal additional resources.

In general, the choice of method of development depends on the specific conditions of production.

Features of the stage of development of new technology (ONT). Production during the period of development is unsteady and is exposed to a number of negative probabilistic factors.

The features of the ONT period are:

  • a significant amount of work on the adjustment and fine-tuning of the design and technological documentation, as well as technological equipment;
  • exceeding the planned terms and costs of development;
  • underloading of equipment in the process of development;
  • the need for a full or partial restructuring of the production structure of the units (shops, sites, etc.);
  • the need to attract to the development of highly skilled workers;
  • the need to adapt to the features of the new product;
  • consistent reduction of specific consumption of materials and labor costs as they are developed.

In general, the effectiveness of the development process depends on the level of organization of all subsystems of the SONT system.


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