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8.1.1 Content and principles of the construction of SONT


The solution * of socio-economic problems of a country's development depends largely on the pace of development of science and technology, the effectiveness of scientific and technical progress. This systematic process of developing new scientific fields, creating more sophisticated tools and objects of labor, technological processes, methods of organizing production, labor and management determines the content and organization of the system for creating and mastering new technology (SONT).

SONT system together with the processes of "production" and "operation" of the product form a continuous cycle of "research - production", carrying out a consistent update of the level of production and products. There are four interconnected SONT subsystems:

  • scientific preparation of production (SPE) * ;
  • design preparation of production (KPP) * ;
  • technological preparation of production (CCI) * ;
  • organizational training and the development of new technology (OPION).

The first three subsystems form the scientific and technical preparation of production (NTPP); the second and third - technical preparation of production (TechPP).

The cyclically repeating process of SONT can be represented in the form of the following scheme (Figure 7.1).

  8.1.1 Content and principles of the construction of SONT

Fig. 7.1 Diagram of the creation and development of new technology

The set of interrelated processes of scientific, design, technological preparation and the process of mastering a new product is a chain:

  8.1.1 Content and principles of the construction of SONT

The main objective of the SONT system is to ensure full production readiness for the release of specific products that meet the specified specifications, in the planned quantity and in a timely manner.

The criterion for achieving this goal is the minimum cost of resources (financial, material, labor) and the duration of a SONT cycle.

Principles of building SONT. The SONT system is built on three principles:

  1. The principle of consistency is the consideration of SONT as a complex of processes ensuring the realization of the main goal. In this case, the object of the new technology is considered as a “system”, and the SONT process as a sequential change in the state of this “system”.
  2. The principle of continuity is the use in the new facilities of all the best that was created earlier and revealed in the process of production and operation and is a combination of old and new technical solutions. Increasing the level of continuity of design and technological solutions up to 60-80% reduces the period of technical preparation of production by 2-3 times.
  3. The principle of standardization is the application of methods for the unification of products and their elements, technological processes, the creation of sets of standards for streamlining the dimensions and individual characteristics of products.

This contributes to the improvement of the technical level of both the product and the production itself, a significant reduction in the SONT cycle.

The need to improve production efficiency requires continuous improvement of the SONT process.


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