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1.1 the Concept and content of management


In order for an organization to achieve its goals, its objectives must be coordinated. Therefore, management * is an essential activity for an organization. It is an integral part of any human activity that, to one degree or another, needs coordination. Management requires not only production, but also the state, the city and territory, industry, hospitals and universities, churches and social welfare agencies.

The philosophers of antiquity believed that the cause of the plight of society, as a rule, is the lack of proper governance or the violation of seniority between people.

The English word "management" comes from the root of the Latin word "manus" - hand; it was originally in the field of animal management and meant the art of controlling horses. Later this word was transferred to the sphere of human activity and began to denote the field of science and practice of managing people and organizations.

Thus, it turns out that management and management * is practically a game of definition. Therefore, in the translation literature, “management” and “management” are defined as synonymous words.

However, it should be noted that the concept of "management" has an interdisciplinary character and the semantics of this word is very complex. The Fundamental Oxford English Dictionary defines the management as follows:

  1. The way, the way of communicating with people.
  2. The power and art of management.
  3. Special kind of skill and administrative skills.
  4. Management body, administrative unit.

In the Dictionary of foreign words "management" is translated into Russian as production management and as a set of principles, methods, means and forms of production management with the aim of increasing production efficiency and its profitability.

In modern theory and practice, management refers to the process of leading (managing) an individual worker, a working group, and an organization as a whole. Almost all well-known foreign encyclopedias interpret the concept of "management" as a process of achieving the goals of an organization with the hands of other people. The subject of this process is the manager * .

The essence and content of the management process is manifested in its functions.

Management * is an integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating, and controlling, necessary to achieve the goals of an organization.

The most obvious characteristic of organizations is the division of labor. As soon as the organization has a horizontal and vertical division of labor, there is a need for management.

So, in an organization there are two internal organic forms of the division of labor. The first is the division of labor into components that make up the parts of a common activity, that is, the horizontal division of labor. The second, called vertical, separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves. Coordination activities of other people and is the essence of management.

Management * is considered as an activity of people aimed at achieving a specific goal or goals. Management must set the direction of the company it manages. He must consider the mission of the company, set its goals and organize the resources for obtaining the results that the company must give to society.

“Management is a special kind of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into an effective, purposeful and productive group. Management as such is both a stimulating element of social change and an example of significant social change” (Peter Drucker).

Management * performs the function of an entrepreneur, directing thinking and resources to where they will give the greatest results, the greatest contribution to the public good.

As a specific area of ​​activity and knowledge, management * has its own basic problems, its own specific approaches and difficulties.

In the special management literature various interpretations of management are given in the broad sense of the word. The most frequently used approaches to determining the essence and content of management are presented in Fig. 1.1.

As we see, the concepts of "management" and "management" can be viewed from different points of view, each of which opens up new facets of the subject of management management research. Briefly consider the content of the approaches presented in Fig. 1.1.

  1.1 the Concept and content of management

Fig. 1. 1. Approaches to the definition of the essence and role of management and management

1. In the twentieth century, management emerged as an independent field of knowledge, science, having its own subject, its own specific problems and approaches to their solution. The scientific foundations of this discipline are presented in the form of concepts, theories, principles, methods and management systems. Management as a science directs its efforts towards explaining the nature of managerial labor, establishing links between cause and effect, identifying factors and conditions under which people’s joint work turns out to be both more useful and more efficient. The definition of management as a science emphasizes the importance of orderly knowledge of management. They make it possible not only to manage current affairs in a timely and efficient manner, but also to predict the development of events, and in accordance with this, develop a strategy * and policy of organizations. Therefore, the science of management develops its theory, the contents of which are laws and laws, principles, functions, forms and methods of purposeful activity of people and management processes.

Understanding management as an art of management practice is based on the fact that organizations are complex socio-technical systems that are affected by many and diverse factors from both the external and internal environment. Therefore, management is also an art that can be learned through experience and which is perfectly mastered only by people with talent for it. Managers should learn from experience and modify subsequent practice accordingly, taking into account the conclusions of the theory. Such an approach makes it possible to combine science and the art of management into a single process that requires not only the constant replenishment of scientific knowledge, but also the development of the personal qualities of managers and their abilities to apply knowledge in practical work. Hence the need for a more detailed consideration of the content of the work of the manager * as a subject of the management process.

2. Management as an activity of people. In the XVII - XVIII centuries. Management stands out as an independent activity, as a separate function , which in its purpose and content of the work performed is fundamentally different from the production function. During this period, the birth of professional management began.

Management as a type of activity is implemented through the implementation of a number of managerial actions, called management functions. The most important management functions include: forecasting, planning, organizing, coordinating and regulating, activating and stimulating, accounting and controlling. Consideration of management as a function is associated with the development of the composition, content of all types of management activities and their interrelationship in space and time. It is management that creates economic and social development.

"Wherever we invested only economic factors of production, especially capital, we did not achieve development. In the few cases where we were able to generate management energy, we gave rise to rapid development. Development, in other words, is a matter of human energy rather than economic wealth. Generating human energy and giving it direction is the task of management. Management is the engine, development is the result " - this is how Peter Drucker, the man who first l recognize, summarize and describe the emergence in the world of a new powerful factor of development, a man who, perhaps, can be called the ancestor of management as a systematized discipline.

Rarely a new social institution, a new, socially leading group, a new key social function arose as rapidly as management in our century. Rarely in human history has a new institution so quickly become indispensable. And never before has a new institute covered the globe with such ease, crossing the borders of races and cultures, languages ​​and traditions, as management has done for one generation. And indeed, wherever it was possible to introduce competent management, rapid development began. Apparently, we are dealing with the largest social innovation * .

The only thing that distinguishes one enterprise of this industry from another is the quality of management at all levels.

In the domestic management literature, in many cases, when people talk about management, they usually mean two sides of this concept - management as a structure (management statics) and management as a process (management dynamics).

3. Management as a process. The management process involves the functions of planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control, through which managers provide the conditions for productive and effective work of employees in the organization of workers and obtaining results that are consistent with the objectives. Thus, the content of the management process is manifested in the implementation of its functions.

The process approach to management allows integrating all types of management activities into a single logically interconnected chain. This approach allows us to present management as a process of implementing interrelated functions that vary in space and time, the purpose of which is to solve the problems and tasks of the organization.

The management process is an information process , that is, a process of formation, perception, transmission, processing and storage of information. It should be noted that management is not limited to information, but it is unthinkable beyond information. These five stages of the emergence, passage and use of information are implemented in a number of actions of managers and performers in accordance with their official duties.

Thus, management can be viewed as an information process by which professionally trained specialists form organizations and manage them by setting goals and developing ways to achieve them. This is the basis for considering management as a process of influencing the activities of an individual employee, group and organization as a whole with the aim of achieving maximum results. This influence is exercised by a certain category of people - managers * . Therefore, management is often identified with managers, as well as with the authorities or management apparatus.

4. Management as a category of people engaged in management. The ability to set and implement the goals of the founder of the school of scientific management F. F. Taylor defined as the art of knowing exactly what to do and how to do it in the best and cheapest way. This art must be possessed by a certain category of people - managers * , whose job is to organize and lead the efforts of all personnel * to achieve goals. Therefore, management is often identified with managers. They provide the conditions for the productive and efficient work of employees in the organization of workers and obtaining results that are consistent with the goals. Hence, management is also the ability to achieve goals, directing work, intelligence, behavior motives of people working in an organization. The new role of man as a key resource requires managers to create conditions for the realization of the potential for self-development inherent in people. Effective use and enhancement of this potential becomes a central management task. Hence the need to shift the center of gravity from the autocratic management style towards democratic relations between the manager and other employees. This is a prerequisite for improving the quality of decisions, organizational effectiveness and improving the quality of life of employees.

The main task of the people involved in management is the effective use and coordination of all the resources of the organization (money, buildings, equipment, materials, labor, information) to achieve the goals.

All organizations have access to approximately the same resources, but their productivity is different. This difference is determined by the quality of management.

The productivity of the company means the balance between the factors of production (material, financial, human, informational, etc.), which gives the greatest output with the least effort. Therefore, increasing productivity is one of the main tasks of managers.

5. Management * is identified with the management body or apparatus. Without it, any organization as a holistic entity cannot exist and work effectively. Therefore, the management apparatus is an integral part of any organization and is associated with the concept of its management.

The hardware approach to management focuses on its hierarchical structure, on the nature of relations between departments and elements of the management structure, on the degree of centralization and decentralization, on the powers and responsibilities of employees.

In the framework of the hierarchical structure of the management apparatus are implemented management functions. In turn, the hierarchy * of the management apparatus is specifically reflected in the management scheme of an organization. In essence, the management structure * is the organizational form of the division of labor for making and implementing management decisions.


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Terms: Management