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2.2 Types of management models and organizations


The evolution of theory and practice of management is reflected in diverse directions. What is happening today in the theory and practice of management is called the "silent management revolution." Its beginning coincided with the entry of society into the informational stage. The old, traditional direction in management, reflected in the so-called American model of management, and the relatively new, behavioral, behavioral, reflected in the Japanese model, is replaced by a new (informal), which is usually characterized as renovation, innovation or marketing, " informational (tab. 1.2).

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Characteristics of the main types of organizations * (Ouchi)

Organization type "A" (American model)

J type organization (Japanese model)

Organization type "Z" (marketing model)

1. Hiring workers for a relatively short time 1. Lifetime hiring of employees 1. Long-term hiring
2. Individual decision making 2. Collective decision making 2. Collective decision making
3. Individual responsibility 3. Collective responsibility 3. Individual responsibility
4. Rapid development and advancement. 4. Slow development and advancement. 4. Slow development and advancement.
5. Mechanisms of explicit, precise control. 5. Mechanisms of indirect control 5. Indirect informal control with accurate, formalized criteria.
6. Promoting the development of a specialized career of workers (vertical) 6. Fostering a non-specialist employee career (diversified approach) 6. Moderately specialized career of workers
7. Selective (differentiated) attitude towards the employee as such 7. Holistic (holistic) approach to the employee as a person 7. Holistic approach, including family

The essence of the American management model lies in the initial conviction that the success of a company depends primarily on the factors lying within its borders (rational organization of production, cost reduction by identifying internal reserves, productivity growth and the efficiency of using all resources). The firm is considered as a closed system. With this approach, goals and objectives are considered to be given and stable for a long time; the basis of the strategy * is the continuous growth and deepening of the specialization of production; the organizational structure * is built according to the functional principle (with a clear separation of the management apparatus by services); Control of all types of activities is crucial, as well as the precise fulfillment of instructions from above by the management personnel.

The essence of the Japanese model of management and organization of activity is formulated by the American scientist of Japanese origin, W. Ouchi, in his so-called theory.

The Japanese model, which is the result of a specific culture and economic system, is evaluated by specialists as providing the greatest harmony and mobility of the organization, so necessary in the modern dynamic world. The features of the Japanese system are manifested in the management of personnel and labor resources * , production, sales, and finance. The system of lifelong hiring and promotion, depending on the length of service and age, organization of group work, remuneration, taking into account age, contribution to rationalization and quality of the process, the system of continuous learning mainly in production are the main characteristics of this management model. The principle of optimizing the work of the entire production system as an integrity is crucial in the organization of production management.

If supporters of the modern Japanese management system argue that in Japanese firms the organization is adapted to the person, in the management system of the American company, on the contrary, ideas about the functions, tasks and official duties, rights and interactions precede the hiring of workers. According to the formulated requirements, a search is made for the most suitable candidates for a particular position, in other words, people are adapted to the system.

An ideal (in the sense of efficiency and integration) organization, according to U. Ouchi, should not have either a formal organizational structure or any formal structure at all. As an example of a team with such a structure, they cite a well-played basketball team [38].

The essence of the marketing model - the new management philosophy is determined by the following points:

  • stake on a person who is self-fulfilling (as opposed to an economic person and a social person);
  • a firm is considered as a living organism consisting of people united by common values, like a clan;
  • the firm should have a constant renewal, feeding on internal striving and aimed at adapting to external factors, the main one being the consumer.

The new management philosophy is based on a systematic, situational approach. Firm - an open system. The main reasons for her success are not inside, but outside of her. Success is associated with how well the company fits into the external environment (economic, scientific, technical, socio-political) and adapts to it. The situational approach * to management means that the entire internal structure of the management system is a response to the effects of the external environment. Organizational mechanisms are adapting to the identification of new problems and the development of new solutions. Maneuver in the allocation of resources is valued higher than the punctuality in their spending.

The embodiment of the new approach was strategic management, which involves the addition of planning the potential of the company planning its strategy * based on forecasts of the future state of the environment. Changing the situation causes a change in strategy. Special measures are envisaged to reduce resistance to change.

A new concept of management requires new attitudes to personnel, a new managerial culture (striving for radical changes, risk preparedness, organizing new opportunities, etc.).

Experts rightly believe that there is no single ideal management model, since each company is unique. She should look for her own model. Among the factors that determine the choice of the management model:

  • firm size;
  • product description;
  • the nature of the environment in which it operates.

In terms of the latter factor, the following control models are distinguished:

  • model of rational intrafirm management in a calm external environment;
  • management model in a fairly dynamic and diverse market;
  • model in the conditions of dynamic scientific and technical progress;
  • a model of adaptation to spontaneously, problems unexpectedly arising under the influence of the external environment of the company.

Firms are in the process of constantly searching for their management model. This is a continuous process, because the company itself and its environment are changing. Most US companies carry out individual organizational changes at least once a year, and major reorganizations are carried out every 4-5 years. The general direction of evolution is the transition from a management model under conditions of mass production and a relatively low level of competition to a management model of largely individualized production and heightened competition.

A modern management system should be simple and flexible. Its main criterion is to ensure efficiency and competitiveness. According to experts, it should have the following characteristics:

  • small units, staffed by a smaller number, but more skilled people;
  • a small number of management levels;
  • structure based on groups (teams) of specialists;
  • nature and quality of products * , consumer-oriented graphics and procedures.

According to Russian specialists, the principles of management (the 90s of the 20th century) are:

  1. loyalty to workers;
  2. Responsibility as a prerequisite for successful management;
  3. communications penetrating the organization from the bottom up, from top to bottom, horizontally;
  4. the atmosphere in the organization, contributing to the disclosure of abilities of workers;
  5. mandatory determination of the share of each employee in the overall results;
  6. timely response to changes in the environment;
  7. methods of working with people, ensuring their job satisfaction;
  8. direct participation in the work of subordinate groups at all stages as a condition for coordinated work;
  9. the ability to listen to everyone with whom the manager * encounters in his work: customers, suppliers, performers, managers, etc .;
  10. business ethics;
  11. honesty and trust in people;
  12. reliance on the fundamentals of management: quality, cost, service, innovation, control of resources, personnel * ;
  13. organization’s vision, i.e., a clear idea of ​​what it should be;
  14. the quality of personal work and its continuous improvement.

The need to study in our country in the modern conditions of the theory and practice of management is obvious. With the transition to a market economy, enterprises and associations operate in qualitatively different conditions. What to produce, how and for whom - these questions they will solve on their own. Therefore, it is of great interest and practical benefit to consider modern systems and methods of control.


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