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9.3.0 Product Quality Management


The definition of "product quality" and its economic essence is revealed. We consider the indicators characterizing the properties of products and the level of its quality. The content of qualimetry as a science of quality measurement is explained.

The features of product quality as an object of management are listed and the need for a systematic approach to quality management is substantiated. The definition of quality management systems (quality systems) is given and the development path of these systems is described. Lists the requirements that quality systems must meet in accordance with the international quality standards of the ISO 9000 series. The concept of "total quality management" is characterized.

The classification and characteristics of the types of product quality control in the production process are considered, the concept of "marriage" * is revealed.

Outlines the basic theoretical principles underlying the methods of statistical quality control of products, describes the characteristics of control card methods: arithmetic mean and range maps, median and extreme values ​​maps, control cards for the number of defective items, control cards for the number of defects!


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Terms: Management