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7.1.0 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management


The role and place of personnel management * is revealed, personnel classification * is given, the concept of personnel management is formed, the category of "human factor" * , its social and psychological essence and components are considered.

Describes the basic model of personnel management, the composition of its functional blocks. It describes the main directions of improving the efficiency of personnel work: rotation, engaging workers in management, focusing on a team approach in the division of labor.

The content and essence of the concept of competence and its level management options are considered. The characteristics of the criteria in evaluating the performance of managers and specialists are given. The content of various methods for evaluating the work of staff is revealed: alternative ranking, pair-wise comparison, forced distribution, critical cases, rating scales tied to employee qualities, management by objectives.

Various rules of working time planning are analyzed: the Pareto principle, ABC - the analysis and the Eisenhower principle.

The dependence of performance on various factors is shown.


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Terms: Management