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9.4.0 Organization of labor and wages


The issues of the content of the labor process and the basics of its organization in the enterprise are considered: the content and classification of labor processes, the division and cooperation of labor, forms of organization of labor processes.

A study of work processes and labor costs: the goals and objectives of the study; classification of working time costs; methods of studying the cost of working time observation (timekeeping * , photograph of the working time * , momentary observations).

The system of organization and maintenance of workplaces (RM) is considered: the concept of a workplace * and their classification; layout of the RM * ; equipment PM * ; PM service; organization of RM specialists and managers.

The concept and content of labor valuation is defined: the basic concepts of the theory of labor valuation; labor valuation methods; basic methodological provisions for the justification of labor standards.

Reflects on the organization of wages in the enterprise: the components of the organization of wages * ; systems and forms of wages.


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