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Psycholinguistics speech exposure.


According to Leontyev: in essence, any communication is a speech impact. However, if the subject and content of object-oriented communication is interaction in the process of joint activity, and the subject and content of person-centered communication is a change in the psychological relations of people, then its third type, socially oriented communication, implies a change in the socio-psychological or social structure. society or stimulation of direct social actions through the impact on the psyche of members of a given social group or society as a whole. Such socially oriented communication can be direct (a rally, in general, any public appearance in front of an audience), or it can be mediated (radio, television, the press). At the same time, it can be focused in time (simultaneous or almost simultaneous communication with the entire audience) or dispersed (each pedestrian reads a billboard advertisement when it passes by); the audience can also be concentrated in space (again, the rally) or dispersed (television).

What we call speech influence here are the various forms of socially oriented communication. In other words, it is mass communication (radio, television, press); forms of propaganda that do not fit into the traditional volume of mass communication - such as putting up or distributing leaflets, documentaries, video films, computer programs with the task of social (social and psychological) influence; Finally, various forms of advertising - both commercial and political. In addition, socially oriented communication includes various forms of direct social impact, such as lectures, oral public speaking, etc.

Finally, to the same problematic, what is often called psychological warfare is a system of socially and socially and psychologically oriented actions, defined as systematic propaganda, the main purpose of which is to influence the attitudes, moods, orientation and behavior of troops and the population. the enemy, the population of neutral and allied countries in order to contribute to the implementation of state goals and objectives.


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Terms: Psycholinguistics