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10.2.0 Planning of promotional activities in the enterprise


The essence and content of intra-company planning, its importance as the most important function of management, and organizational forms of implementation are considered. Given the sequence of stages of its implementation, the levels of development of plans: promising, medium-term, short-term, the main focus of their content.

The paper reveals the essence of feasibility planning (TEP), its main components, functional blocks of implementation. Two forms of long-term planning are evaluated: long-term and strategic, differences in their schemes, results, possible areas of application.

The main directions and content of the plans for the annual TEP activities of the company are determined.

The content and composition of the functional tasks of operational production planning (OPP) * are formulated, the main criteria for achieving the goals. Indicators are given for assessing the progress of the production process - coefficients of rhythm and uniformity, methods of their calculation, recommendations for use for various types of production.

The organizational structure * of the RPO system of the company, the functional tasks of its service are presented and analyzed.

Regulatory support for OPP * , the composition and methods of calculating the most important calendar and planning norms (CIT) - tools in the activities of employees of planned services are considered in detail.

The content of the volume, calendar and operational production planning, the nature and conditions for the use of various systems of planning and accounting units (PUE) * are disclosed. Estimated most common in the enterprise scheduling system.

The essence of production dispatching * , the principles of its implementation, the main objects of dispatch control at various levels and for various types of production are revealed.


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