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Conclusion Grow professionals


The job of a project manager is similar to that of a gardener.

Just as the gardener lovingly selects the most suitable plants for his future garden, the manager recruits the people who are most relevant to the goals of the project.

Just as the gardener is looking for the best soil for each plant, taking into account its features, the manager for each member of the project team is looking for the most suitable task for him.

Just as the gardener carefully cherishes his pets, protects them from harmful influences, ensures that no plant shades the other, but only complements it and contributes to its growth, the project manager patiently works with each member of the project team, promoting his proper development, protecting it from external and internal shocks, in order to maximize its individual abilities and increase the return on them, notes with satisfaction every new achievement.

“What you sow, you reap” - this law is equally applicable both to the work of a gardener and to the work of a project manager. Neglect of people will only generate reciprocal neglect. Put a part of your soul in people, and you will be rewarded a hundredfold.


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