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9.2.1 Design options for production systems


Under the design refers to the development of scientific, technical, organizational and other types of documentation, the use of which allows the organization to realize its goals and objectives.

Due to the specific features of the nature, composition and sequence of work, the design of production systems (PS) occupies a special place in the design system.

In fact, the design of production systems is reduced to the choice of the method of reproduction of the main industrial and production assets (OPF).

In world practice, it is customary to classify methods for the reproduction of OPFs by the targeted use of investments (capital investments).

The main areas of reproduction include:

  • new construction * ;
  • production expansion * ;
  • reconstruction of production * ;
  • technical re-equipment * .

Under the new construction refers to the construction of industrial facilities, as a rule, under the new promising products. At the same time, construction of production facilities is carried out in new territories with the permission of local or federal authorities.

For the construction of such enterprises, a title opens up, agreed with the organizations responsible for ecology, land use, energy conservation, urban planning, etc.

Projects for new construction * consist of two parts: the organizational and technical part of the project and the construction part. The first part will be discussed in more detail in the section "Designing New Production Systems".

As for the construction part, it contains documentation for construction and installation work from the zero cycle to the commissioning of facilities, taking into account commissioning work.

Under the expansion of production understand the construction of the main facilities, service or auxiliary production.

A distinctive feature of the expansion of production is that all these objects are being built on the territory of the operating enterprise, within the framework of the general plan of the enterprise.

At the same time, new facilities are being built both to increase the capacity of the enterprise for the developed products and for the production of new products.

The composition of project documentation in composition and structure is similar to projects for new construction.

Reconstruction of the enterprise has as its goal the improvement of existing production. These can be redevelopment of workshops and sites, the creation of new sites in the shops, the abolition of existing ones, the creation of new technologies, etc.

The reconstruction is focused on improving the production conditions of the developed products, improving the quality or increasing production volumes in the existing areas.

In carrying out reconstruction, as a rule, the existing technological equipment is changed to more progressive. However, this may not be the case.

In reconstruction projects, reconstruction plans are drawn up for each object, while in the construction part, mainly wiring diagrams and bindings are developed.

The technical re-equipment of an enterprise means changing the qualitative structure of the active part of OPPF without changing the existing structure of production.

The projects of technical re-equipment reflect the replacement of outdated equipment with similar new ones, the use of new types of technological equipment with higher technical parameters, the introduction of new production technologies.

Technical re-equipment has two main objectives, namely:

  • technical and technological improvement of production;
  • fixing production bottlenecks.


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