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9.2.0 Designing Production Systems


The main provisions on design problems in general and features of the design of production systems (PS) are considered.

The structure of reproduction of the main industrial and production assets of the enterprise is given.

The essence of the targeted use of capital investments for technical re-equipment * , reconstruction and expansion of production, as well as for new construction of enterprises is revealed.

The methodology of the modern approach to designing PS using a mathematical apparatus is given. In this case, there are two stages of design: macro-design and engineering design with the division of each stage into successive stages. A method for calculating a measure of proximity (similarity) of compared production objects is presented, the order and rules for coding features describing the entire set of nomenclature are determined, a practical example of macro-design is presented, followed by formation with detail-group specialization.

The stage of engineering design is the formation of the structure and quantitative composition: base PS. Key points are given on the calculation of the need for basic technological equipment, the calculation of the required production areas, the number of main and auxiliary workers, and the normative definition of the number of other categories of workers.


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