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Transformer Coupled Input Receiver


Schematic diagram.

  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver

Figure 8.1.

Parallel contour   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver performing frequency selectivity, communicating with the antenna using a coupling coil   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver . An antenna or feeder can be asymmetrical or symmetrical. With an unbalanced antenna, the antenna itself or the potential wire of the feeder is connected to terminal 1, while terminal 1 'is connected to the housing. In the case of a balanced antenna or feeder, the receiver input must be balanced. For this purpose, the clamp 1 'is disconnected from the housing and the input circuit is made as strictly symmetrical as possible. For this purpose, an electrostatic screen is sometimes placed between the coils, special methods of winding, etc. are used.

To ensure the necessary degree of connection with the antenna-feeder system, the mutual induction coefficient M and the inductance of the coupling coil are chosen in a certain way.   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver . The value of

  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver

should be constructively feasible.

The equivalent circuit of the input device.

  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver

Figure 8.2.

The antenna in this diagram is presented in the form of an emf generator.   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver with active internal resistance   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver . This scheme is a special case of the general equivalent circuit of the input circuit with a transformer coupling with   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver  

Scheme parameters:

  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver ;   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver ,

Where   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver ,   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver .

If the antenna is matched to the feeder, then

         Transformer Coupled Input Receiver ,   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver . The connection with the antenna, as usual, is estimated by the magnitude of the transformation ratio. At the last lesson for the circuit with a transformer connection when working with an unconfigured antenna was obtained:

  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver .


  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver .

Input device parameters.  

Resonance gain:

  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver ,

as with tuned antenna   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver then

  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver ,

Where   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver - active conductivity of the antenna;

          Transformer Coupled Input Receiver - equivalent circuit conductivity.

The resulting attenuation in the circuit

  Transformer Coupled Input Receiver ,

When working with tuned antennas at the input, the matching mode is usually carried out at specified fixed frequencies or at the middle frequency of the subband. On the matching frequency   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver has a maximum value. At all other frequencies, given the frequency dependence of the coefficient   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver , and   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver and   Transformer Coupled Input Receiver , the transmission coefficient, the resulting attenuation, the bandwidth and the noise coefficient will differ from the values ​​in the matching mode.


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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals