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The resulting parameters of the input circuit


Let's open the generalized equivalent circuit considered in the first question, presenting its parameters in the form of active and reactive elements. Conductivity   The resulting parameters of the input circuit introduced by the antenna contains as active   The resulting parameters of the input circuit and reactive   The resulting parameters of the input circuit component. The conductivity of a parallel circuit is represented in the form of its main elements: inductance L , capacitance C and conductivity G. The input of the first cascade, characterized by recalculated conductivity   The resulting parameters of the input circuit , also present in the form of active   The resulting parameters of the input circuit and capacitive   The resulting parameters of the input circuit constituents. The corresponding equivalent circuit is shown in the figure.

  The resulting parameters of the input circuit

Figure 6.2.

Resulting inductance   The resulting parameters of the input circuit input circuit consists of the inductance of the coil circuit, as well as the inductance   The resulting parameters of the input circuit introduced by the antenna:

  The resulting parameters of the input circuit .

Output Capacitance Capacity:

  The resulting parameters of the input circuit .

Where   The resulting parameters of the input circuit - capacity introduced by the antenna side;

        С - contour capacity;

        С L - parasitic capacitance of the inductor;

        C M - installation capacity;

        C P - capacity trimming circuit;   The resulting parameters of the input circuit - capacity introduced by the input of the first cascade.

Characteristic resistance of the circuit with the specified parameters

  The resulting parameters of the input circuit .

Resulting Active Conductivity

  The resulting parameters of the input circuit .

Taking into account the above values, an equivalent circuit is obtained;

  The resulting parameters of the input circuit

Figure 6.3.

created: 2014-09-12
updated: 2021-03-13

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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals